Thứ Sáu, 27 tháng 4, 2012

Scholarship Sheikh Saud bin Saqr AlQasimi United Arab Emirates

The Sheikh Saud bin Saqr Al Qasimi Scholarship encourages advisers from a advanced ambit of disciplines and able fields to undertake analysis appear allegorical action authoritative in the United Arab Emirates. The Scholarship is accessible to Ph.D. acceptance from all nationalities belief at an accepted university in the UAE or abroad. 

The Scholarship financially supports doctoral candidates in the analysis appearance of their dissertation. In its antecedent phase, two awards are accepted annually for activated analysis projects to be conducted in the UAE. The Scholarship covers all apprentice expenses, including acknowledgment airfares from the country of origin, adaptation in the UAE for the continuance of analysis and a allowance to awning amount of active and abetment with the research. 

The Scholarship provides the befalling for acclaimed university alum advisers to advance their potentials in accouterment acid bend activated research.
Further, it fosters top superior analysis and develops the analysis accommodation in the arena whilst announcement cross-cultural barter and cooperation amid awful accustomed universities apple advanced and civic institutions in the UAE. 

Applicants accept to be candidates for the doctoral amount at an accepted alum academy adulatory to participate in acreage analysis for their dissertation. Applicants may not be on probation, abeyance or added conditional allotment and accept to accept English accomplishment with a minimum score 

The Scholarship is awarded based on arete as abstinent by bookish achievement and appliance of analysis proposal. The applicant’s advised acreage of abstraction is aswell advised in the appraisal action with alternative accustomed to those candidates advancing a amount in apprenticeship or a anon accompanying acreage of study. The Sheikh Saud bin Saqr Al Qasimi Foundation Directors and Advisory Board serve as the appraisal and alternative committee. 

In adjustment to administer online, you will charge the afterward documents: 

  • The latest accessible official archetype and transcripts of completed degrees
  • A resume analogue educational background, plan experience, co-curricular and extracurricular activities
  • A archetype of the accustomed analysis angle or basic proposal
  • A two page article analogue the reason/s why the applicant is absorbed in the scholarships
  • Two belletrist of advertence that abode the adequacy of the candidate. One letter accept to be from the candidate’s doctoral adviser and the added should be from addition bookish and accept to announce the attributes of the accord with the applicant and the breadth of time of the relationship 

All abstracts submitted for appliance will automatically become the acreage of the Sheikh Saud bin Saqr Al Qasimi Foundation for Action Analysis and will not be alternate to the sender. 

The appliance borderline for the 2011-2012 Doctoral Analysis Scholarship has now passed. We are currently accepting applications for the 2012-2013 bookish year. Applications will be accessible until June 30, 2012.

Official Website:

Scholarship New Zealand ASEAN of philippines 2012-2013

This page has scholarship advice specific to the Philippines for abstraction in 2013. It should be apprehend with the accepted advice in the Scholarships section. 

The New Zealand ASEAN Scholar awards empower individuals with the knowledge, abilities and abilities to accord to economic, amusing and political development aural the ASEAN region. Beneath the arrangement of the New Zealand Government, the New Zealand Aid Programme provides scholarships for acceptable postgraduate acceptance from the Philippines to undertake development-related studies at a tertiary academy in New Zealand. 

The awards are for full-time postgraduate abstraction (i.e. postgraduate diplomas, master’s degrees and doctorates) in New Zealand. An apocalyptic allocation of 18 scholarships is fabricated accessible for Filipinos who ambition to access a postgraduate amount in New Zealand basic in 2013.

Selection criteria
The New Zealand-ASEAN Scholars awards are accessible to acceptable candidates from the public, clandestine and civilian association sectors. This acknowledges the cogent accession of the clandestine and civilian association sectors to the country’s amusing and bread-and-butter development, but aswell recognises the New Zealand Aid Programme’s cold of acknowledging the Philippine government to strengthen accessible account capacity.

The amount focus of the New Zealand Aid Programme is acceptable bread-and-butter development. The New Zealand ASEAN Scholarship awards aim to accord to the accomplishment of Philippine beastly ability development objectives, decidedly in areas area New Zealand has recognised expertise. The fields of abstraction beneath the programme accept to chronicle to the afterward themes: 

  • Agriculture - Agriculture, fisheries, dairy development, rural development, bio aegis (protection of beastly and bulb health), aliment science
  • Tourism - Acceptable tourism, ecotourism, tourism management
  • Governance - Law, justice, acknowledged and administrative reform, beastly rights/gender, amusing work
  • Accessible area - Accessible administration, accessible policy, accessible area management
  • Barter and development - Barter facilitation, bazaar alternation development, all-embracing trade, economics, convalescent the business-enabling environment, baby and average action development
  • Disaster accident administration and altitude change adaptation
  • Renewable energy 

Applicants will be called on merit, including the development allowances of their proposed advance of study. Not all the aloft capacity can be addressed anniversary year, but anniversary year and over time attempts will be fabricated to baddest candidates beyond a ambit of these themes.

Leadership and bookish excellence
Applicants who can authenticate administration qualities and abeyant for approaching administration will be accustomed preference. Priority will aswell be accustomed to applicants who accept approved top bookish standards, abnormally in their undergraduate degree.

Eligibility criteria
Applicants accept to accommodated the afterward belief afore their applications are advised adjoin the alternative criteria, including any belief specific to the Philippines. At the minimum, to be acceptable beneath the programme, applicants from the Philippines must: 

  • be a Filipino aborigine residing in the Philippines;
  • not be added than 35 years at the scholarship date;
  • not accept citizenship or abiding abode cachet of New Zealand or Australia, or be affiliated or affianced to be affiliated to a being who holds, or who is acceptable to hold, New Zealand or Australia citizenship or abiding abode status;
  • not hold, nor accept captivated in the above-mentioned 24 months at the time of application, a New Zealand Government or Australian Government scholarship;
  • be applying to arise a new amount programme and not be gluttonous abutment for one already begun;
  • administer for a higher-level accomplishment than ahead achieved;
  • accept formed for at atomic two years plan acquaintance about to their called career;
  • be able to authenticate a able charge to the Philippine public, clandestine or civilian association area (as relevant) and to the development of the Philippines in general;
  • accept an actual action for a postgraduate advance at a accommodating New Zealand tertiary institution; and be accessible to yield up the scholarship in the agenda year for which the scholarship is offered. 

In addition, applicants must:
be able to amuse New Zealand Government requirements for all-embracing apprentice access to New Zealand (such as medical and appearance checks);
not authority any added scholarship during the aeon of the New Zealand-funded scholarship;
accede in autograph that they will acknowledgment to the Philippines for a minimum aeon of two years afterward achievement of their scholarship in adjustment to accord to their country’s amusing or bread-and-butter development. 

Application process
Anyone applying for a New Zealand ASEAN Scholars accolade accept to analyze their adapted advance of abstraction and accommodate affirmation of an actual action of a abode in a tertiary academy in New Zealand. 

Applicants should abide an aboriginal and a archetype of the appliance anatomy completed in English, with a archetype of the letter of action from a tertiary academy in New Zealand, anon to the New Zealand Embassy in Manila. PhD acceptance accept to aswell cover affirmation of accord with a abeyant supervisor. Applicants can download a New Zealand ASEAN Scholars awards appliance anatomy at the New Zealand Embassy website. 

Applications should be addressed and beatific to:
Manager-New Zealand Aid Programme
New Zealand ASEAN Scholars awards
PO Box 3228 MCPO
Makati City 1272

Thứ Ba, 24 tháng 4, 2012

Linked Long Term Care Insurance Attracting Younger Buyers

To protect against the risk of needing costly long-term care an increasing number of national insurance companies are offering protection that combines life insurance with potential long term care insurancebenefits.   According to the 2012 Buyer Study conducted by the American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance, these linked benefit (also called “combination”) products are gaining favor with individuals in their 40s and 50s.

The Association’s annual study of leading insurers found that 53 percent of buyers of these hybrid policies were under age 65 in 2011 compared to only 48 percent in 2010.   Some 42.5 percent of male and 38.5 percent of female buyers were between ages 55 and 64 explains Jesse Slome, director of the national trade group.  Nearly one in 10 buyers was between 45 and 54.
 “A linked benefit policy has advantages that many pre-retirement consumers find attractive,” Slome notes.  Policies can fund expenses when qualifying long-term care is needed at home or in a skilled care facility.  Some linked, or hybrid products, allow unused benefits to pass to named beneficiaries income tax-free.  “At a time when long-term care is increasingly top of mind, these life insurance-based solutions avoid the ‘use it or lose it’ risk associated with traditional long term care insurance,” says Chris Coudret, CLU, ChFC, Vice President, OneAmericaone of the nation’s leading insurers offering linked benefit solutions.  “In most cases, people make a single payment, effectively removing the risk of future premium increases.”
 The AALTCI study reported sales for the participating linked benefit insurers increased 14 percent in 2011 and the premium increased almost 20 percent.  To learn more or obtain long term care insurance costs from an Association member call (818) 597-3227 or visit the organization’s website
Established in 1998, AALTCI is the national trade organization established to create heightened awareness regarding the importance of planning for long term care.  To access or read three free consumer guides outlining ways to reduce costs for long-term care insurance visit the Association website

Thứ Hai, 23 tháng 4, 2012

Undergraduates Scholarship 2012 A.W.Bodine-Sunkist arizona 2012

Application closing date: 30 April, 2012

Scholarship affairs : A.W. Bodine-Sunkist Memorial Scholarship

Type of Award: Scholarship 

Nationality: U.S. Citizen 

Employer: A.W .Bodine – Sunkist Growers Association 

Level of study: Undergraduate 

Subject(s): Agriculture 

Duration: Not known 

Number of awards: Not known 

Applicants accept to accept a accomplishments in California or Arizona agronomics (the apprentice or anyone in the student's actual ancestors accept to accept acquired the majority of his or her assets from agriculture), banking charge and brand point boilerplate and extracurricular activities apocalyptic of abeyant for success.

Scholarships are accessible to acceptance entering any undergraduate brand akin who are enrolled in or accept applications awaiting at an accepted academy and plan to accompany a advance of abstraction arch to a accustomed degree. 

What does it cover? $2000(renewable) 

How do I administer ? By post 

Scholarship Description: The A.W. Bodine-Sunkist Memorial Scholarship was accustomed in anamnesis of Arthur W. Bodine, a acclaimed administrator of Sunkist Growers and a admired agronomical leader, to accommodate funds for undergraduate acceptance from agronomical backgrounds who are in charge of banking abetment to added their educations. 

Largest long term care insurance claims

The largest open long-term care insurance claim has reached $1.7 million in paid benefits, according to a just-released report from the American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance ( The claimant, a woman, purchased coverage at age 43, paying an annual premium of $881. Three years later her long term care insuranceclaim began and has continued for almost 15 years. [Note: Payment of policy premiums ceases when an individual is receiving policy benefits.]

"Insurers paid some $6.6 billion in benefits to roughly 200,000 individuals last year,” explains Jesse Slome, Executive Director of the industry trade group that compiled the data from 10 leading long term care insurers. "Long-term care insurance claims can last for years and amount to hundreds of thousands of dollars.”

The association annually collects data on claims including the largest open claims (still being paid as of December 31, 2011). The second largest claim still open is for a male who purchased his long-term care insurance policy paying an annual premium of $3,374. Three years later his claim began and has continued for just over six years ($1. 2 million in benefits has already been paid for his care).

“Long-term care insurance is not the lottery,” Slome says. “A policy holder who paid $3,000 in premiums and received benefits exceeding $1.5 million is not a winner. But having this protection in place can certainly pay off and for thousands of Americans it increasingly is." According to the Association, just over 8 million Americans currently have some form of long-term care insurance protection in place.

One in 10 (10.4%) of new individual claims initiated during 2011 began before the claimant was age 70 the study revealed. "While most long-term care insurance claims begin at older ages, typically in ones late 70s or 80s, accidents and illnesses are also a common reason younger people need this care for extended periods," Slome notes. The five most common reasons for a long-term care insurance claim, according to the Association, are Alzheimer's disease, stroke, arthritis, circulatory issues or injury."

Largest "Open" Long-Term Care Insurance Claims As Of December 31, 2011
Data from leading national long-term care insurance providers.
Credit: American Association for Long Term CareInsurance.

COMPANY A: Largest open claim: $1.7 million
Female -- purchased insurance at age 43
Length of Claim: 14 years, 9 months
Insurance Policy Premium: $881-per-year
Time from Policy Purchase to Claim Inception: 3 years 0 months

COMPANY A: Largest open claim: $1.2 million
Male -- purchased insurance at age 45
Length of Claim: 6 years, 1 month
Insurance Policy Premium: $3,374-per-year
Time from Policy Purchase to Claim Inception: 3 years 10 months

COMPANY B: Largest open claim: $1.12 million
Female – purchased insurance at age 56
Length of Claim: 12 years, 5 months
Insurance Policy Premium: $4,520-per-year
Time from Policy Purchase to Claim Inception: 0 years 3 months

Chủ Nhật, 22 tháng 4, 2012

Scholarship from Alaska Advantage Apprenticeship Grant

The Alaska assembly created the AlaskAdvantage Apprenticeship Admission Affairs to accommodate need-based banking abetment to acceptable Alaska acceptance accessory condoning postsecondary educational institutions in Alaska. The affairs was accurately advised to set abreast a allocation of accessible admission funds as antecedence awards for applicants demonstrating aberrant bookish alertness for college apprenticeship (as accurate by top quartile SAT or ACT scores), and for contrarily acceptable applicants enrolled in condoning workforce curtailment programs: 

  • affiliated bloom science
  • association and amusing service
  • teaching and paraprofessional education
  • action industry/natural assets abstraction industry 

The AlaskAdvantage Apprenticeship Admission is adjourned accordingly by the Alaska Apprentice Loan Corporation and the state's General Fund, and provides the accompaniment bout dollars appropriate for accord in the federal LEAP (Leverage Educational Abetment Partnership) program. Admission awards ambit from a minimum of $500 to a best of $3,000 per bookish year for acceptance who accept condoning unmet banking need. 

Qualifying applicants will be prioritized based on banking need. Acceptance with the accomplished banking charge will be awarded in adjustment of charge until funds are exhausted. All applicants accept to complete a new Free Appliance for Federal Apprentice Aid (FAFSA) anniversary year.

To authorize for an AlaskAdvantage Apprenticeship Admission a apprentice must: 

  • be an Alaska aborigine and U.S. aborigine or abiding resident
  • accept a top academy authority or GED
  • be accepted into an undergraduate amount or abstruse affidavit affairs at a condoning Alaska institution
  • be enrolled at minimum half-time
  • accept unmet banking charge of $500 or more
  • not accept becoming a baccalaureate degree
  • accommodated satisfactory bookish advance standards
  • be acceptable for federal Title IV aid 

How to Administer
Receiving a admission in one year does not agreement a apprentice will accept an accolade in consecutive years. To be advised acceptable for an award, the apprentice accept to complete the FAFSA amid January 1 and June 30 anniversary year, selecting at atomic one condoning Alaska academy of college education. FAFSAs submitted afterwards June 30 will not be considered. Acceptance may administer online at the FAFSA web site.
Students may admission their alone appliance and accommodation advice via the Alaska Apprentice Aid Portal . The academy will verify if the apprentice meets the acceptance requirements for this affairs at the alpha of anniversary bookish year. Additional advice may be acquired by contacting the school’s Banking Aid Office. 


Apply Now From FAFSA

New Scholarship Awards from Endeavor Postgraduate

Deadline: June 30 (annual)

Target group: 

Americas: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, United States, Uruguay, Venezuela 

The Caribbean: Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Martinique, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago 

Europe: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus (Republic of), Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Reunion, Romania, Russian Federation, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom. 

Middle East: Afghanistan, Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Yemen. 

Pacific: Fiji, French Polynesia, French Guinea, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Micronesia (Federated states of), Nauru, New Caledonia, New Zealand* (including Cook Islands), Niue, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tokelau, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, Wallis and Futuna. 

Asia: Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, China (including Hong Kong and Macau SARs), India, Indonesia, Japan, Laos, Malaysia, Maldives, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Republic of Korea (South Korea), Singapore, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Viet Nam. 

Scholarship value/inclusions:
Total Award Value – Up to $AUD228,500 for PhD and $AUD118,500 for Masters
• Biking Allowance: $AUD4,500
• Establishment Allowance: $AUD4,000
• Monthly Stipend (up to 3.5 years, pro-rata basis): $AUD2,500 per month.
• Tuition Fees per division (for up to 2 years for Masters and 3.5 years for a PhD): Up to $AUD12,500 per semester/trimester for Masters and PhD
• Health and biking allowance will be provided. 

To administer for the 2013 Endeavour Postgraduate Awards, all-embracing applicants accept to aboriginal amuse the accommodation requirements abundant below:
1. All-embracing applicants accept to be citizens and/or abiding association of a accommodating country (see Section 4.3) and may not authority bifold citizenship with Australia.
2. All-embracing applicants who currently authority a accurate Australian apprentice acceptance are not acceptable to apply.
3. Applicants who accept completed an Endeavour Award and/or AusAID Scholarship in the above-mentioned 24 months (2 years) afore the accustomed annular of the Endeavour Awards are not acceptable to apply.
4. Applicants accept to accept completed an undergraduate amount (minimum) at the time of application, demonstrating top bookish achievement.
5. Applicants accept to accept activated for and acquired acceptance to a Masters or PhD advance in Australia. Conditional belletrist of action will be accustomed at the time of application. Please agenda that you will not be adjourned for Masters akin abstraction arch to a PhD – you accept to accept one, either Masters or PhD akin study.

Program Description:
The Endeavor Postgraduate Awards Scholarship has the ambition to accommodate abounding scholarship to all-embracing acceptance in 2 to 3.5 years to undertake accomplishment for a postgraduate at Masters or PhD amount either by analysis or coursework in any acreage of abstraction in Australia. The scholarship aims to strengthen the alternate ties amid Australia and the accommodating countries, to display educational area of Australia, to strengthen the alternate compassionate amid the Australian humans and the Accolade Holder’s home countries, to body all-embracing linkages and networks and to accredit the top ambitious all-embracing acceptance to undertake a postgraduate accomplishment for either by coursework or analysis in any acreage of abstraction in Australia. The scholarship aswell provides an inclusions or scholarship ethics which includes biking allowance account $AUD4,500, enactment allowance account $AUD4,000, a account allowance which is up to 3.5 years, pro-rata base that account $AUD2,500/month, charge fees per division that account up to $AUD12,500 per semester/trimester for Masters (2 years) and PhD (3.5 years) and bloom and biking allowance that will sum up to $AUD228,500 for PhD and $AUD118,500 absolute accolade value. 

Program Requirements:
The all-embracing applicants accept to be citizens and/or abiding association of the accommodating countries that will not authority bifold citizenship with Australia. Applicants should accept embodied top bookish accomplishment who accept completed an undergraduate amount at the time of application. The all-embracing applicants aswell accept to activated for and acquired acceptance to a Masters or PhD advance in Australia. However, applicants accept to accept one of the two akin abstraction either the Masters or PhD back the scholarship will not armamentarium for Masters amount that arch to PhD abstraction level. All-embracing applicants that are not acceptable to administer are those who accept completed an Endeavour Accolade and/or AusAID Scholarship in the above-mentioned 24 months (2 years) afore the accustomed annular of Endeavour Awards. Applicants that authority a accurate Australian apprentice acceptance are not aswell acceptable for the said scholarship. 

Application Instructions:
Applicants who will traveling to undertake the Masters or PhD abstraction akin accept to accept to accommodate a acceptance of enrolment or action a letter of acceptance from the host university they accept activated to. A codicillary action for acceptance will aswell be accepted. Applicants accept to complete aswell an online appliance and accept to attach the acknowledging affidavit (see the guidelines provided in the official website) to be advised for an Endeavour Postgraduate Award. For added abundant advice on how to apply, it is important to appointment the official website of Endeavour Postgraduate Award.


Thứ Sáu, 20 tháng 4, 2012

Japan Scholarship from Asian Development Bank for Asian Pacific Region

Deadline: January 2012

Type: Brochures and Flyers

Country: Japan

Subject: ADB funds and products 

ADB - Japan Scholarship Program
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) - Japan Scholarship Program (JSP) was accustomed in April 1988 with costs from the Government of Japan. 

It aims to accommodate an befalling for able citizens of ADB's developing affiliate countries to accompany postgraduate studies in economics, management, science and technology, and added development-related fields at accommodating bookish institutions in the Asian and Pacific Region.
Upon achievement of their abstraction programs, advisers are accepted to accord to the bread-and-butter and amusing development of their home countries. 

The ADB-JSP enrolls about 300 acceptance annually in 27 bookish institutions amid in 10 countries aural the region. 

The ADB-JSP provides abounding scholarships for one to two years. 

Number of Scholarships:
About 300 scholarships are awarded annually. 

Target group:
The scholarships are accessible to citizens of ADB’s developing affiliate countries. 

  1. A civic of an ADB borrowing affiliate country (applicants from countries that are no best borrowing from ADB are not acceptable for the ADB-JSP Scholarship).
  2. Gained acceptance to an accustomed MA/PhD advance at an bookish academy .
  3. A bachelor’s amount or its agnate with above bookish record.
  4. At atomic two (2) years of full-time able alive acquaintance (acquired afterwards a university degree) at the time of application. Proficiency in articulate and accounting English advice abilities to be able to accompany studies.
  5. Not added than 35 years old at the time of application. In aberrant cases, for programs which are adapted for chief admiral and managers, the age absolute is 45 years old.
  6. In acceptable health.
  7. Should accede to acknowledgment to his/her home country afterwards achievement of studies beneath the Program.
  8. Executive Directors, Alternate Directors, administration and agents of ADB, consultants, and ancestors of the above are not acceptable for the Scholarship.
  9. Agents of bookish institutions are not acceptable for the Scholarship.
  10. Applicants active or alive in a country added than his/her home country are not acceptable for scholarships.
  11. ADB-JSP does not abutment applicants who are already enrolled in alum amount programs.
  12. ADB-JSP does not sponsor undergraduate studies, ambit acquirements programs, concise training, conferences, seminars, apriorism writing, and analysis projects. 

The Japan Scholarship Program (JSP) was accustomed in 1988 to accommodate an befalling for able citizens of developing affiliate countries to undertake postgraduate studies in economics, management, science and technology, and added development-related fields at called 27 educational institutions in 10 countries in Asia and the Pacific. Between 1988 and 2010, Japan contributed added than $116 actor to the JSP. A absolute of 2,695 scholarships accept been awarded to recipients from 35 affiliate countries. Of the total, 2,359 accept already completed their courses. Women accept accustomed 925 scholarships. This advertisement provides accepted advice on the JSP.

  • Asian Development Bank–Japan Scholarship Program
  • Bookish Institutions
  • The Scholarship
  • ADB–JSP Highlights
  • ADB–JSP Tracer Study
  • What Our Alumni Accept to Say
  • List of Bookish Institutions and Accustomed Fields of Abstraction
  • Procedures for Applying
Accommodating bookish institutions
Advice Sheet: MS Word | PDF 


New Hungarian Scholarship For Student

Deadline: 26 April 2012 (annual)

Study in:  Hungary
Course starts AY 2012-2013

Hungary through the Balassi Institute, the Hungarian Scholarship Board Office offers scholarships for adopted acceptance and advisers in college apprenticeship institutions as able-bodied as analysis advisers who intend to accretion added able acquaintance in Hungarian college apprenticeship institutions or analysis institutes. Scholarships can be activated for in two altered ways: 

Brief Description : 

Plan affairs and mutual agreements
The Office of the Hungarian Scholarship Board (hereinafter HSB) welcomes applications by citizens of countries (and territories) that accept a valid/effective educational plan plan with Hungary, or a mutual acceding active by the Hungarian Admiral of Civic Resources and the accordant admiral of the accustomed country (or territory).

Scholarship Pool
In 2005 the Admiral of Apprenticeship of the Republic of Hungary accustomed the ‘Scholarship Pool’ acceptance for applications for all HSB scholarship types from the afterward countries/territories:
Albania, Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Cyprus, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Korean Republic, Kuwait, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mexico, The Netherlands, Norway, Republic of Chile, Republic of the Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Romania, Singapore, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States of America. 

Citizens of the afterward countries may alone administer through their civic scholarship offices, on the base of mutual agreements: 

Columbia, Yemen, Mongolia, Palestine and Vietnam. 

Available scholarships 

The afterward scholarships are accessible in the bookish year 2012-2013: 

A - semester/partial studies (3-10 months)
Available for: undergraduate (BA/BSc) and alum (MA/MSc) acceptance (enrolled at adopted college apprenticeship institutions), abnormally those majoring in Hungarian Language and Literature and acceptance accommodating in a individual amount clue university programme (such as General Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmaceutical Studies, Veterinary Studies, Architecture, Studies in Law, etc.). Before application, acceptance are appropriate to accept completed minimum two semesters at their home institutions. For ‘Type A’ scholarship acceptance may administer alone on one break during their Bachelor’s studies, and already during their Master’s studies. 

B - postgraduate studies, analysis (3-21 canicule or 1-10 months)
Available for: applicants captivation a Master’s amount or an agnate university degree, including PhD acceptance who intend to do analysis for their argument and ambition to break in Hungary for beneath than 10 months. (However, PhD acceptance cannot acquire credits during the scholarship aeon at the host university.) 

C/1 - abounding PhD programme (36 months)
Only acceptance accomplished in Hungarian can apply. The scholarship is codicillary aloft acknowledged access assay / acceptance to the corresponding doctoral school. 

C/2 - fractional PhD studies (10 months)
Applicants have to be enrolled in a PhD programme at an accepted college apprenticeship academy in their home country or in a adopted country (but not in Hungary). 

D - postdoctoral studies, analysis (1-10 months)
Applicants have to authority a PhD or an agnate degree. 

E - analysis break (3-21 canicule or 1-10 months)
Available for accessory advisers or baronial academics as able-bodied as advisers captivation minimum a PhD or an agnate degree. 

F - summer courses in the summer of 2012 (2-4 weeks)
Only courses appear in the account of ‘Summer Courses 2012’ on the HSB website can be selected. You may baddest three altered courses but your scholarship will acquiesce you to participate alone in one course. 

  • Adopted citizens with a residence/immigration admittance or in the beforehand of applying for such a admittance in Hungary
  • Adopted citizens with abiding abode in Hungary
  • Adopted citizens active on a abiding base as authentic by the Hungarian Labour Law
  • Acceptance in application applying for part-time or accord abstraction programmes
  • Acceptance applying for programmes not financed by the Hungarian State
  • Acceptance accepted to college apprenticeship host institutions area charge fee is required. 

Scholarships offered by the HSB acquiesce for studies or analysis in any acreage of arts or sciences at an accepted Hungarian college apprenticeship academy or analysis convention to be bent in advance. 

Semester/partial and postgraduate studies as able-bodied as doctoral programmes have to be agitated out in college apprenticeship institutions or analysis institutes area no charge fee is required. 

For ’type A scholarship’ acceptance may administer alone on one break in the beforehand of their Bachelor’s studies, and already during their Master’s studies. Blazon A (semester/partial studies) and blazon C1/C2 (full PhD and fractional PhD studies) scholarships cannot be extended. Blazon B (postgraduate studies), D (postdoctoral studies, research), and E (research stay) scholarships may be continued exceptionally, alone beneath appropriate circumstances, on one occasion. 

HSB scholarships are accurate alone for studies and analysis purposes in Hungary. Scholarship-holders have to break in Hungary during the absolute aeon of their studies or research. 

Scholarships are awarded for the summer of 2012 or the bookish year 2012-2013 and have to be completed by 30 June 2013 at the latest.


why study in the Philippines?


Philippines is the abode to be for adopted students 

"A adventure of a thousand afar begins with a alone step."–Confucius 

This adduce from the acclaimed Chinese philosopher have to be accurate for every apprentice who wishes to abstraction away and attain a acceptable career. Acceptance should be accurate in allotment which country they will absorb their time and money for belief because if they fabricated a amiss footfall or move, the adventure to success would be difficult for them to take. 

The allowances of allotment Philippines 
While lots of adopted acceptance are begin anywhere in the world—like in US, UK, Germany, France, Australia, or Japan—No one can avoid belief in the Philippines. 

Philippines has one of the best apprenticeship systems in Asia.
Its is one of the best abode for acceptance to abstraction absolutely in English, at affordable prices and top quality. 

The apprenticeship arrangement is just so absurd that Philippines has forward hundreds of doctors and engineers to plan in USA, UK , Middle east etc forth with added professionals.

Philippines follows the American apprenticeship system. 

For example, Kwon Ka-young, a Korean university apprentice who went to the Philippines endure year to advance and abstraction English said: “Studying in the Philippines helped me not alone to advance my English abilities but aswell to become added of a all-around citizen.” Aside from Koreans, an accretion amount of Americans, Koreans, Taiwanese, Chinese, and added foreigners aswell accompany their apprenticeship in the country. 

Why do some 5, 000 adopted acceptance abstraction actuality in the Philippines? Few countries in Asia can bout the country if it comes to accouterment superior apprenticeship and fun at the aforementioned time. 

As the world’s 3rd better English-speaking nation, the Philippines provides huge ability resources, abreast instruction, and a multicultural acquirements atmosphere with its 93.9% articulacy rate. It is home to a amount of ISO-certified universities and 275 college educational institutions articular as Centers of Excellence and Centers of Development. There are aswell several all-embracing schools in the Philippines which are on American, British, German, Chinese, French, and Japanese educational tracks. 

The business and accounting schools in the country attach to the US’ Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and All-embracing Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) while the engineering and abyssal schools are included in the APEC Engineer Registry and All-embracing Maritime Organization (IMO) white list. Acceptance are aswell affirmed of accepting training from added than 115, 000 agents with master’s and doctorate degrees in the Philippines. 

Foreign acceptance do not alone get the adventitious of earning accomplished education, but they aswell acquisition means of adequate their break in the Philippines. Afterwards accepting austere acquaint in their classrooms, they can relax by swimming, surfing, diving, and snorkeling in abundant aboriginal beaches anywhere, or disentangle in some of the island’s ancestry sites like the counterfeit rice terraces, abyssal parks, mountains, underground rivers, and added day-tripper hideaways that characterize Asian and European architecture. If these are not the places for them, they can still adore blind out in endless best hotels and restaurants, ball shows, arcade malls, and cafes. 

The Philippines is accepted for its people’s adaptation and joyfulness. Visitors everywhere curiosity at the way they are advised in anniversary abode they visit. They aswell adore the amount of festivals that are captivated for every belt which reflects the country’s affluent and assorted ability and traditions. The Korean apprentice Ka-young added: “One of my greatest curiosities in the Philippines is why Filipino festivals endure for a anniversary because usually, Korean festivals yield abode for alone two or three days. I enjoyed the fiestas mainly the Ati-atihan, area Koreans and Filipinos all became one by dancing, singing, and even bubbler together.” 

Studies aswell appearance that it is added affordable to abstraction in the Philippines compared with added countries alms top superior education. It is because a being can reside a bashful affairs by alone spending US$350 to US$500 a month. 

Programs for adaptable students 

To allure foreigners to accompany their apprenticeship in the Philippines, the government able some programs to clothing the students’ needs. 

One of these is the ‘Philippine ESL (English as a Second Language) Bout Program,’ in which the abstraction of English forms allotment of a structured bout package. Belief English becomes added agitative and fun through activating and artistic means of acquirements area participants get to interact, practice, and use English added generally in real-life settings thru games, alfresco activities, excursions, and immersions. Aside from acquirements the English language, participants get to see the admirable sceneries of the Philippine countryside and asperse with the bounded culture. 

The continuance of English courses alter depending on the needs and objectives of the student. Modules may ambit from one anniversary to one ages depending on the student’s akin of proficiency. Participants can accept a part of the 21 bi-authorized English accent acquirements centers advance all over the country. 

The government aswell issued the Executive Order 285 which authorizes the about-face of day-tripper acceptance class to apprentice visa, or gives out a Special Abstraction Permit for those who ambition to accept in a non-degree advance for beneath than one (1) year. 

Aside from these, the Philippines aswell fabricated the ‘Visa-Upon-Arrival Program’ area bout groups and alone travelers from the East Asia, decidedly from China, can now administer for a 14-day acceptance aloft their accession at any Philippine all-embracing airport. 


Many parents accept that Philippines is the appropriate abode for their accouchement to abstraction because it offers abounding acceptable affidavit for superior education. 


  • The world's third better English-speaking country
  • Highest English articulacy amount in Asia
  • Mode of apprenticeship in all levels of education
  • Widely-used accent for business, education,communication and trade 

  • US Arrangement of Education
  • Superior medical apprenticeship as accustomed by World Health Organization (WHO), IMED of ECFMG- USA and silimar added bodies.
  • Top Universities acclaimed worldwide
  • Integrated problem-based acquirements approach
  • Modern teaching methods with first-rate facilities 

  • Affordable across degrees and charge fees
  • Economical adaptation and active expenses
  • Accomplished and adequate boarding facilities
  • Affordable medical and dental expenses
  • Inexpensive biking cost
  • Student-assisted acceptance application 

  • Warmth, address and adaptation of the Filipinos
  • Open and aesthetic classroom environment
  • Solidarity amid acceptance and professors
  • Dedicated and affable academy agents and adroitness members
  • Cultural assortment in the society
  • Close adjacency to added Asian countries
  • Improved shipment accessories and services
  • Expanded business centers
  • Advanced advice technology 

  • Better opportunities to defended application and abiding address in added developed countries
  • Acceptable befalling to biking about the world
  • Opportunities to accomplish cogent contributions to your association and to your country afterwards graduation
  • Apprenticeship aperture to added countries like the United States of America, the United Kingdom, Canada, and abounding others

Thứ Tư, 18 tháng 4, 2012

New Master’s and PhD amount scholarships

Deadline: 30 July 2012 

Master’s and PhD amount scholarships in Agriculture and accompanying sciences for the academy year 2013-2014.
Study Posts:
SEARCA advisers may abstraction at any of the afterward universities:

  • Institut Pertanian Bogor, Indonesia
  • Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
  • Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia
  • Kasetsart University, Thailand
  • University of the Philippines (UP) Los Baños, Philippines 

Other acclaimed universities alfresco the University Consortium but aural the Southeast Asian arena may aswell serve as abstraction posts of advisers beneath appropriate arrange and activity agreements.
The SEARCA Graduate Scholarship is accessible to nationals of Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Timor-Leste, and Vietnam who are approved advisers of academic, analysis or government institutions and not added than 35 years old at the time of application. 

Interested parties may abide their able SEARCA Scholarship Appliance anatomy calm with added aboriginal appliance requirements to their countries corresponding Ministries of Education, which will awning and endorse applications to SEARCA not after than 30 July 2012. 

The applicant’s affair of analysis for thesis/dissertation have to be in band with any of SEARCA’s antecedence thrusts, namely: Natural Resources Management and Agricultural Competitiveness. 

Deadline for accepting of SEARCA scholarship applications will be set by the corresponding ministries. 

Downloadable SEARCA Scholarship appliance forms and the complete account of requirements may be begin in the SEARCA website at 



(2 slots) 

  • Open to apprentice apprentice from 5th and 6th assets chic city with an boilerplate of at atomic 85% in top school, parents’ anniversary assets accept to not beat P60,000.00;
  • must accept in antecedence courses like: science, education, technology , engineering and agriculture.
School fees up to P5,000.00 per semester; semestral book allowance of P500.00; account allowance of P800.00; account busline allowance of P100.00 

(2 slots: 1 PhD; 5 Masters) 

  • Open to alum adopted acceptance from countries with which the Philippines has adept relations with alternative to those from Africa and Third World countries in Asia and the Pacific.
  • Must accept a accepted abounding boilerplate of at atomic “1.75”;
  • must be nominated by their home government; with acceptable moral character. 

Free academy fees except apprentice fund; account allowance of P2,500.00 for Master’s and P2,500.00 for Ph.D.; semestral book allowance of P3,000.00; apriorism allowance of P5,000.00; argument allowance of P10,000.00 

Application Forms are accessible at OSA-UPM

For More Details Visit Web

Thứ Hai, 16 tháng 4, 2012

New Scholarship 2012 Dementia Grants Program

Scholarship Deadline: Tuesday 17 April, 2012

Dementia grants program
Alzheimer's Australia Dementia Analysis Foundation offers a ambit of awards including new investigator grants, grants into dementia care, biking grants as able-bodied as postgraduate scholarships and postdoctoral fellowships.

2012 Dementia Grants Program

The Resthaven Inc Dementia Analysis Grant
The Resthaven Inc Dementia Analysis Admission is a beyond admission for new researchers, admired at up to $150,000. This admission is accessible accessible to applicants in clinical/psychosocial analysis areas.
This admission will be offered in the breadth of Affliction and Dementia. The key breadth of absorption is affliction administration for humans who accept cerebral crime arising from dementia. 

Dementia Analysis Grants
The AADRF Dementia Analysis Grants are agriculture grants for new researchers, admired up to $50,000 (exclusive of GST), to be allocated for analysis in a dementia-relevant area. In 2012. Grants are awarded in both biological/non-clinical and clinical/psychosocial analysis areas.
In 2012, applicants will abide alone one anatomy for the AADRF Dementia Analysis Grants, the Hazel Hawke Grants in Dementia Care, and the AADRF - Victoria Grant.
This year, one admission will be awarded to specificall reflect the Consumer Dementia Analysis Arrangement antecedence area, which is Younger Onset Dementia.

Rosemary Foundation Biking Admission
The Rosemary Foundation Biking Grant, offered in affiliation with the Rosemary Foundation, is a biking activity admission up to the amount of $15,000 (exclusive of GST) to accredit an Australian researcher or analyst to biking across for a aeon of about one month, and apprentice new techniques and/or arrangement with able-bodied accepted all-embracing analysis teams at a hospital or university alfresco Australia. 

Progress Report Templates
Regular advertisement to AAR is a action of all grants. Annual letters acquiesce us to appraise the outcomes of the awards and allotment allegation with the added community. Successful admission recipients should use the afterward templates if advertisement their progress.

Scholarships and Fellowships:
Reports are to be submitted annually, 12 months afterwards admission date, and on achievement of award.

Thứ Bảy, 14 tháng 4, 2012

2012 New SISCM Scholarship at Brunel University

Study Subject: Information Systems Computing and Mathematics

Course Level: Master’s

Scholarship Provider: Brunel University

Scholarship can be taken at: UK

  • You accept to accept already activated for a abounding time MSc advance at Brunel starting in the bookish year 2012/3, afore applying for the School of Information Systems Computing and Mathematics scholarships.
  • You are not appropriate to abide any acknowledging abstracts if you do not ambition to. We will yield data of your bookish awards and English accent abilities from your advance application, so you do not charge to resubmit them to us.
  • A amplitude is provided for acknowledging abstracts on the appliance form. You should use this to attach any abstracts or awards you fabricated advertence to in your application, if necessary. 

Scholarship Open for International Students: Yes

About Scholarship: Successful Scholarship winners will be appropriate to act as ambassadors for the School during their time at Brunel. Scholarship duties are advised to fit about studies and will yield up on boilerplate no added than an hour per week. Scholarship duties may cover some of the following: Writing a blog about the student’s time at SISCM and Brunel. Providing a apprentice contour for university and School publications, both online and in print. Being alive on amusing media to altercate adventures of SISCM and Brunel with abeyant students. Sharing their acquaintance of SISCM and Brunel with applicants, which could be via amusing media, online chats or face to face at contest on campus.

Apply: Electronically

Application Deadline: The borderline for all applications is 4PM (GMT) on the 2 July 2012
Note: We acclaim that you accomplish every accomplishment to ensure your advance appliance alcove the Admissions Office by the 1st June 2012, in adjustment for your appliance to be adjourned in abundant time for you to administer for the Scholarship. If you do not administer by this date we cannot agreement that we will be able to accomplish you an action for a abode on a advance in time for you to administer for the scholarships.

Official Scholarship Information and Application

Appy Now

New Scholarships in International Development of OFID

Deadline: 28 May 2012

Study in: any Country
Course starts Sept 2012 

Brief Description:
OFID (The OPEC Fund for International Development) is admiring to advertise that able applicants who accept acquired or are on the border of commutual their undergraduate amount and who ambition to abstraction for a Master’s amount are acceptable to administer for the OFID Scholarship. 

Host Institution(s):
Any accustomed university/college in the world 

Field of Study:
Any acreage of abstraction accompanying to development 

Number of Scholarships:
The OFID scholarship will be awarded to abutment one apprentice or appellant for Master’s amount studies.

OFID (The OPEC Fund for International Development) is admiring to advertise that able applicants 

  • Have to be amid the ages of 23-32 at the time of appointment his/her application.
  • Have to accept acquired or be on the border of commutual their undergraduate amount with a Baccalaureate from an accepted college/university, or its equivalent.
  • Have to accept a minimum accumulative GPA of 3.0 or college on a 4.0 appraisement system, or its equivalent.
  • Have to be matriculated at an accepted university for the accessible bookish year starting August/September 2012, and have to advance full-time cachet for the continuance of the Master’s Degree.
  • Have to be a civic of a developing country (please see account of acceptable countries below)
  • Have to baddest a accountable of abstraction that pertains to OFID’s amount mission, such as: economics of development (poverty reduction, activity and acceptable development), ambiance (desertification), or added accompanying science and technology fields.
Application Instructions:
The appliance borderline is 28 May 2012. Amuse do not alarm or email OFID to see if your appliance has been accustomed (you will, in any case, accept an automatic confirmation) or to ask about your status. Only the champ will be notified by 14 June 2012 at OFID’s website.
It is important to appointment the official website (link begin below) for abundant advice on how to administer for this scholarship. 


Thứ Năm, 12 tháng 4, 2012

New Scholarship Program from College JumpStart

The Academy JumpStart Scholarship is an annual, merit-based antagonism -- banking charge is not advised -- that is accessible to 10th-12th graders, academy acceptance and non-traditional students. The capital claim is that you are committed to traveling to academy and can accurate your goals for accepting a academy education.

  • First Place: $1,500 scholarship
  • Second Place: $750 scholarship
  • Honorable Mentions: $250 scholarships

The borderline for the antagonism is April 15, 2012. 
When you are accessible to apply, amuse SUBMIT YOUR APPLICATION TODAY.


To administer for the Academy JumpStart Scholarship you have to accommodated the afterward requirements:

  1. High academy 10th-12th grader, academy apprentice or non-traditional student;
  2. U.S. aborigine or acknowledged resident;
  3. Appear or plan to appear an accepted 2-year, 4-year or abstruse / barter academy in the U.S.
  4. Be committed to application apprenticeship to bigger your activity and that of your ancestors and/or community.

If you accommodated all of the aloft requirements, we allure you to administer for the Academy JumpStart Scholarship.

The Academy JumpStart Scholarship antagonism is captivated every year and the borderline is October 17 and April 15 of anniversary year.
The borderline for the accepted Academy JumpStart Scholarship is midnight April 15, 2012.

For More Info Visit  Web

Long Term Care Insurance E-Brochures Launched

The first generic long term care insurance e-brochures designed to support insurance agents prospecting and sales efforts have been created by the American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance. 

“So much prospecting and selling is being done over the phone and Internet that insurance agents need generic, educational tools to provide prospects and clients,” explains Jesse Slome, AALTCI’s executive director.  The new e-brochures are personalized with the agent’s name, contact information and photo.  “Personalized material is so important in terms of making a lasting impression to the long term care insurance prospect,” Slome adds.

The Association’s first two e-brochures deal with timely topic and are updated versions of the Association’s highly used print brochures.  “One explains simple ways to reduce the cost of long-term care insurance,” Slome notes.  “Consumers today are very price conscious and producers are having great success breaking through the misperception that long-term care insurance is expensive.”

The second focuses on long term care planning for women.  “Women are typically the decision influencers and there are millions of adult women living alone who should be interested in the subject,” Slome says.

Over 2.5 million long term care insurance print brochures have been distributed by the Association since it was established in 1998.  “There still is a great need for printed material,” Slome acknowledges, “but we live in a digital age of instant communication so e-brochures that can be personalized will grow in usage and acceptance.”
The American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance is the national trade organization exclusively focused on creating heightened consumer awareness and supporting insurance professionals who market long-term care solutions.

New Scholarship on EARTH University Guidelines

The Open Society Foundations, in accord with EARTH University, accommodate 5 four-year undergraduate scholarships for acceptance from Haiti and 5 for acceptance from Liberia and Sierra Leone to abstraction at EARTH University, Costa Rica. EARTH University offers a available of science amount with a focus on accustomed ability administration and amusing entrepreneurship.

EARTH University provides an avant-garde class focused on leadership, agronomical study, and association development to arising adolescent leaders to accredit them to accost the amusing and ecology challenges of their home countries in actual and socially acknowledging ways.

During the program, acceptance administer their acquirements through collaborative accumulation projects, bounded acreage plan and a binding internship in their third year. The training helps accouter individuals to acknowledgment to their home countries to advice allay abjection and animate acceptable development.

To Apply
Interested acceptable applicants should download applications for abstraction at EARTH through the afterward link:

The bookish year at EARTH University begins in January.

Applicants from Haiti for the Class of 2013–2015 should abide their applications and advocacy belletrist by April 30, 2012.

Applicants from Sierra Leone and Liberia should abide their applications by March 15, 2012.

New Nohoudh Scholarship on UK for Muslims

Deadline: 30 April 2012

Nohoudh PhD Scholarships for the abstraction of the affiliation of Muslims in the UK
Thanks to the generosity of the Nohoudh Trust for development Studies up to PhD scholarships accept been accustomed at SOAS to abstraction ‘The affiliation of Muslims in British Society’. 

The aim is to abutment PhD analysis by British graduates, who can authenticate affectionate ability and abundant acquaintance of interacting with UK Muslim communities, to use their bookish abilities for the account of complete scholarship on the subject, the approaching development of these communities and compassionate aural the added society. 

Four Nohoudh Scholarships of £19,990 each, per annum for a best of three years will be accessible for PhD acceptance applying for access in autumn 2012.
The scholarships can be acclimated for fees and the butt appear maintenance. The Nohoudh scholarship is awarded on the base of bookish arete forth with affectionate ability and abundant acquaintance of interacting with UK Muslim communities. 

Eligible Programs
  • Only full-time analysis degrees which absorb analysis into aspects of ‘The affiliation of Muslims in British Society’.
  • A account of appropriate analysis capacity is provided in addendum 1 on the Nohoudh Scholarship appliance anatomy
  • Part-time programmes are not eligible.
  • New admissions only 

Candidate Criteria
Applicants intending to arise a full-time analysis amount in 2012/13 on a accordant affair are acceptable to administer for the award. They must: 

  • be classified as home/EU for fee purposes
  • be British Citizens, built-in and aloft in the UK)
  • be Muslims and authenticate in their appliance an affectionate ability and abundant acquaintance of interacting with Muslims communities in the UK
  • be holders of at atomic a 2.1 honours undergraduate amount and acquire a masters amount with arete or distinction 

Candidate Assessment
Candidates will be adjourned on bookish arete by an Advisory Panel consisting of three bookish members.
The appraisal of your appliance will be based on the advice in your application. Selectors will be searching at the amount result, your references, your statement, an account and added accordant information. 

Scholarship Appliance Deadline
Applications accept to be accustomed by 5pm on 30 April 2012
Late applications will not be considered.
Applicants accept to aswell accept activated for a abode to abstraction at the School finer four weeks afore the scholarship closing date (i.e. by 4 April 2012) but no after than the scholarship appliance borderline in adjustment to be advised for this scholarship.
The appliance for a abode accept to be complete. 

Number of Applications commonly received
This is a new scholarship

Notification of Results
All applicants will be notified by e-mail apropos the aftereffect of their application, about by the alpha of July
If you accept not heard from us by the alpha of July, amuse acquaintance the Scholarships Officer.

For More Information Visit Web

Thứ Bảy, 7 tháng 4, 2012

New BBG Communications Scholarships United States

Scholarship Value: $1,000 

Awards Available: 1

Award Deadline: June 30, 2012 

The BBG Communications scholarship is advised for acceptance amid the ages of 16 and 21 who are currently in or will be accessory an academy of college apprenticeship in the Fall of 2012. 

This area is for acceptance who are accommodating to do a little digging themselves. Below you will acquisition a account of non-profit organizations that accommodate educational abetment to students. However, with this account there is no agreement that the foundation will action abetment to the year of abstraction you are applying to. 

Value: $1,000 

Deadline: June 30, 2012 (11:59 ET) 

To be advised acceptable for the BBG Communications Scholarship you must: 

  1. Be amid the ages of 16 and 21 on June 30, 2012
  2. Submit answers to the two article questions, which can be begin on the appliance page, above-mentioned to the June 30, 2012 deadline.
  3. Have at atomic one abounding year of column accessory studies actual at the time of the award
  4. Have a GPA of 2.5 or greater.
  5. Be a aborigine of the United States or Canada 

The scholarship champ will be appear on or about July 30, 2012 and will be acquaint on this website anon after. All applications have to be accustomed by 11:59pm ET on June 30. No backward applications will be reviewed.

For More Information Visit: