Thứ Năm, 12 tháng 4, 2012

New Scholarship on EARTH University Guidelines

The Open Society Foundations, in accord with EARTH University, accommodate 5 four-year undergraduate scholarships for acceptance from Haiti and 5 for acceptance from Liberia and Sierra Leone to abstraction at EARTH University, Costa Rica. EARTH University offers a available of science amount with a focus on accustomed ability administration and amusing entrepreneurship.

EARTH University provides an avant-garde class focused on leadership, agronomical study, and association development to arising adolescent leaders to accredit them to accost the amusing and ecology challenges of their home countries in actual and socially acknowledging ways.

During the program, acceptance administer their acquirements through collaborative accumulation projects, bounded acreage plan and a binding internship in their third year. The training helps accouter individuals to acknowledgment to their home countries to advice allay abjection and animate acceptable development.

To Apply
Interested acceptable applicants should download applications for abstraction at EARTH through the afterward link:

The bookish year at EARTH University begins in January.

Applicants from Haiti for the Class of 2013–2015 should abide their applications and advocacy belletrist by April 30, 2012.

Applicants from Sierra Leone and Liberia should abide their applications by March 15, 2012.

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