Thứ Hai, 11 tháng 6, 2012

New 3 PhD advisers Position of Leiden University, Netherlands

The Leiden Institute for Area Studies (LIAS) is committed to the affiliation of antidotal and regional-historical perspectives. LIAS has as its aim the advance of teaching and analysis of Area Studies at Leiden University and in the added bookish community. LIAS comprises the Schools of Asian Studies (SAS) and Middle Eastern Studies (SMES). Area specializations in SAS awning Chinese, Japanese, Korean, South & Southeast Asian and Tibetan Studies. LIAS agents accept antidotal ability beyond the abstract and the amusing sciences. 

Scholarship Level: PhD

Scholarship Area: Netherlands

How to Apply: Online
Please forward your appliance electronically advertence the abstraction amount afore the borderline of Wednesday 20 June 2012 

  • plan and/or analysis acquaintance in East Asia, with a Masters amount in development studies, economics, geography, sociology, law, political science, anthropology, and/or China and added Area studies;
  • accurate absorption in issues of development with accurate advertence to acreage action and administration, accustomed ability management, rural and ecology policy, spatial planning, amusing asperity and conflict;
  • delivery in English (spoken and written, see aswell below);
  • accomplished ability of Chinese all-important for the analysis and fieldwork;
  • acquaintance with quantitative (e.g. surveys and SPSS/Excel), as able-bodied as qualitative (e.g. semi-structured interviews, participatory observation, RRA/PRA, case-study analysis and focus groups) methods of fieldwork and data-analysis;
  • acquaintance with web-design, web-management, and the use of amusing media for analysis dissemination;
  • a dynamic, able and candid aggregation amateur with a hands-on, mentality;
  • preferably, basal alive ability of Dutch.

  • Applications accept to be submitted in English and accept to include:
  • awning letter advertence your action and adequacy for this position;
  • completed commodity analysis assignment, downloadable at;
  • abundant class vitae with exact dates advertence month/year;
  • in case of non-native English speakers or those after an undergraduate amount acquired in The Netherlands or an English-speaking country: affidavit of English accent accomplishment (IELTS 7.0, lower account alone advised in aberrant circumstances, e.g. added compensatory factors in agreement of different acquaintance and expertise);
  • internationally certified copies of your bookish diplomas and account of grades;
  • acquaintance data of three referees (referees will alone be contacted if arrive for an interview). 

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