Thứ Sáu, 15 tháng 6, 2012

NERC PhD Studentship On United Kingdom

Start Date: October 2012 

Entry Requirements: UK/EU Applicants Only

Closing Date for Applications: Open Until Filled

The Department of Biology is admiring to action a Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) Studentship for October 2012 access to its Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) programme. The studentship is arguable for 3.5 years and will pay full-time University UK/EU charge fees and cover an anniversary allowance (currently account £13,590 a year), and a Research Support Grant (including conference/travel allowance of £300 a year). 

  • Applicants accept to accept a capital or top high cheap honours amount (or agnate qualification) in a accordant conduct and accommodated the University's accepted English accent access requirements.
  • This studentship is alone accessible to applicants who are acceptable to pay the UK/EU charge fee - i.e., those who are assuredly citizen in the UK or addition EU country. Please agenda that applicants from the EU (excluding the UK) accept to accept been citizen in the UK for at atomic three years above-mentioned to basic the studentship to accept both the allowance and fee apparatus of this award; EU applicants who do not accommodated this belief will accept the fee abandonment basic only.
  • Applicants from alfresco the EU are not acceptable for this studentship unless they accept been accepted abiding UK residency/citizenship. 

The studentship is for full-time abstraction alone and applicants accept to be able to arise their studies in October 2012.
For More Information Visit :

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