Thứ Ba, 26 tháng 6, 2012

Curtin Scholarships for All-embracing Postgraduate Analysis

Curtin All-embracing Postgraduate Analysis Scholarships (CIPRS). The CIPRS is accessible to any all-embracing apprentice adulatory to arise a College Amount by Analysis at Curtin for the aboriginal time in 2013. 

This scholarship is awarded to acceptance to allure top superior all-embracing postgraduate acceptance to areas of analysis backbone in the Australian college apprenticeship area and abutment Australia’s analysis effect. 

Deadline: Rolling (annual) Course starts 2013

Study Place: Australia

Study for:
  • Humanities
  • Science & Engineering
  • Centre for Aboriginal Studies
  • Health Sciences
  • Business School 

Scholarship type:
Postgraduate Research 

Scholarship provider: Curtin University

The accolade is accessible to citizens of an across country (excluding New Zealand).
Scholarships will be awarded on bookish arete and analysis accommodation to appropriately able across graduates acceptable to arise a college amount by analysis in 2013. 
Official Website

Thứ Hai, 25 tháng 6, 2012

International Postgraduate Scholarship at Sydney University 2012

The University of Sydney invites candidates who are acceptable to undertake a Postgraduate Analysis Amount or Master’s by Analysis affairs at this University to administer for the University of Sydney All-embracing Analysis Scholarship (USydIS). 

The cold of the USydIS is to allure top superior all-embracing postgraduate acceptance to undertake analysis projects which will enhance the University’s analysis activities. 

The scholarships listed beneath accept adjourned the abstraction of all-embracing acceptance at the University of Sydney in the past. However, this is not a account of every scholarship that may be accessible throughout the world. 

Scholarship Level: MS/PhD Degree

Scholarship Provider: The University Of Sydney

Deadline: 31 July/31 Dec (annual)

Scholarship place: Australia
Course starts 2012 

Scholarship Target:
International acceptance adulatory to accompany a analysis affairs at the University. 

How to apply: By E-mail

Applicants who ambition to be advised for the IPRS and USydIS awards for division 1, may announce this by commutual the accordant area of the Postgraduate Analysis Appliance Form. Applicants should aboriginal administer for access to a PhD programme at the University of Sydney, and again abide a USYD-CSC Postgraduate Analysis Scholarship application.

To be advised for the USydIS for division 1, applications for acceptance to a analysis amount MUST be accustomed by the All-embracing Office by 31 July of the antecedent year. To be advised for the USydIS for division 2, applications for acceptance to a analysis amount MUST be accustomed by the All-embracing Student Office by 31 December of the antecedent year. 

Official Website:

Masters and Doctoral Canadian 2012 Scholarship in Disability Policy Canada

As allotment of the Canadian Affliction Action Alliance, a Community-University Research Alliance (CURA), 25 scholarships will be awarded over the next 5 years. 

There is an opportunity in 2012-13 for 6 scholarships for alum studies (3 MSc and 3 PhD). Masters acceptance will be adjourned for $5,000 for one year, and PhD acceptance for $10,000 for anniversary of two years. 

Deadline: October 1, 2012

Scholarship Level: Masters and Doctoral

Scholarship Provider: Queen’s University

Scholarship Place: Canada 

International Scholarship: No

Eligibility Criteria: 
To be acceptable to accept one of these scholarships, acceptance must:
  • Be accomplishing analysis on affliction action for thesis, accurately in one of our 5 areas.
  • Preference will be accustomed to acceptance belief Canadian affliction policy.
  • Be in additional year of Master’s or third & fourth year of PhD program.
  • Involve at atomic one association accomplice / affliction alignment in their research.
  • Preference will be accustomed to acceptance with a disability, to Canadian students, and to
  • students belief at a Canadian university.
  • A CURA investigator will be called to act as a ability for scholarship

How To Apply: By e-mail

Please abide the afterward documents:
  • Official transcript
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Statement of absorbed for apriorism analysis and career objectives
  • Added allotment captivated and/or activated for (candidates may accept added funding, but
  • not from the Social Sciences & Humanities Analysis Council of Canada (SSHRC)
  • Opportunity to self-declare disability
  • Apriorism administrator advertence letter 

Official Website:

Thứ Bảy, 23 tháng 6, 2012

Woolf Fisher New Scholarship from Cambridge University UK

These scholarships were accustomed in 2003 by the Trustee of the Woolf Fisher Trust to honour Woolf Fisher as co-founder, with Maurice Paykel, of the aggregation Fisher.

Up to three scholarships are offered anniversary year to accredit acceptance of outstanding bookish adeptness to undertake their doctoral studies or agnate at the University of Cambridge. 

Deadline: Wednesday 01 August 2012

Course Level: Doctoral

Scholarship Provider: Woolf Fisher Trust

Scholarship Place: UK 

  • be beneath 30 years of age (i.e. will not accept accomplished their thirtieth by 31 December in the year of application)
  • abounding a accessory academy in New Zealand for at atomic two years, and
  • accept accelerating or are accepted to alum with a capital honours amount from a university in New Zealand. 
International Scholarship: No 

Scholarship Value:
It is estimated that anniversary Scholarship will accept a amount of about $100,000 per year. 

How To Apply: E-mail at 

Official Website:

New Bellerbys College Undergraduate High Achiever Scholarship 2012

The University of Nottingham International Scholarship Office provides specialist abutment and advice for students, agents and visitors from over 150 countries.

Scholarship Level: Undergraduate

Scholarship Provider: Bellerbys College

Scholarship Place: UK 

You can administer for this scholarship if you are from Bellerbys College – Cambridge, Hove, London or Oxford AND are classed as an across apprentice for fee purposes AND already authority an action to alpha a full-time Undergraduate amount programme at Nottingham in 2012 – any accountable breadth – you accept to accept gone close on that action by 29 June 2012 

International Scholarship Students: Yes

Application forms will be accessible from your academy and should be completed and handed aback in to your academy acquaintance below: 

  • Peter Corcut or Alan Beer – Brighton
  • Donna Bull or or Isaac Ayamba – Cambridge
  • Chris Hovel – London
  • Jackie Eadie or Bob Mitchell – Oxford

How to Apply: Online 

Deadline: 29 June 2012 

Official Website:

Thứ Tư, 20 tháng 6, 2012

UK Deutsche Post DHL New Scholarships July 2012

5 Edinburgh "Deutsche Post DHL Scholarships" are accessible for postgraduate Master's abstraction in acceptable programmes accurate by the Edinburgh Centre for Carbon Innovation for the 2012-2013 bookish session. 

The aim of the scholarships is to allure the best and a lot of motivated humans to Edinburgh to play a allotment in architecture low carbon economies about the world. 

Scholarship Value:
Each scholarship will accept a amount of up to £8,000 which will be arguable for one bookish year.

The scholarships are accessible to UK, EU and across acceptance who are accustomed for acceptance on a full-time base for an acceptable postgraduate Master's programme of abstraction at the University of Edinburgh. 

Applications from acceptance belief a one-year accomplished Master's amount in one of the afterward acceptable accountable areas are considered: 

  • MSc in Carbon Capture and Storage
  • MSc in Carbon Finance
  • MSc in Carbon Management
  • MSc in Sustainable Energy Systems
  • LLM in Global Environment & Climate Change Law 

Applicants should already accept been offered a abode at the University of Edinburgh and should accept durably accustomed that offer. Candidates who already authority abounding advocacy are not acceptable for the Deutsche Post DHL Scholarships.

Scholarship Criteria:
The scholarship will be awarded on the base of bookish arete and the allowances to the student. Candidates accept to have, or apprehend to access the all-embracing agnate of a UK aboriginal chic or 2:1 Honours amount at undergraduate level.
Applications for this scholarship for acceptance on the MSc in Carbon Finance will alone be advised from acceptance who are commonly citizen in any country in Africa or any atomic developed country.
List of Atomic Developed Countries 

How to apply:
Applicants should abide a 1000 chat essay, answer why they feel they should be awarded the scholarship, and how the scholarship will account them. 

Please e-mail your 1000 chat article to Scholarships and Apprentice Funding Services at by Monday 2nd July 2012. Please accompaniment the name of the scholarship in the attack of your e-mail and accompaniment aural your e-mail your abounding name, amount programme and apprentice number.

A Selection Committee will accommodated in 2nd July 2012 to baddest the scholarship holders. The winners of the scholarships will be appear during 2nd July 2012.

Official Website:

MBA Ferguson Trust Postgraduate Scholarship for International Student

This scholarship is based on an appraisal of the applicant’s career history, bookish ability, arete and abeyant as an MBA student. The accolade of this scholarship will be based on the appliance form, acknowledging abstracts and interview. These Scholarships are accessible for cocky –funded applicants only. 

Accolade value:
upto amount of £5000 

Appliance deadline: 31-May-12
This is the endure appliance borderline supplied by the provider for this award, we are currently alive on afterlight this information. 

Accolade type:
Bookish excellence 

Accolade coverage:

Scholarship level:

Subject area:

Number of awards:

Accolade duration:
1 Bookish year
Application info 


Scholarships are accessible to applicants alone from African countries as listed by the UN through the Ferguson Trust Scholarship. These Scholarships are accessible for cocky - adjourned applicants only. 

Scholarship requirement:
Applicants are appropriate to authenticate how the accolade of a Ferguson Scholarship would accredit them to abstraction the Aston MBA in the UK, afore 12 July 2012. 

Official Website:

Thứ Hai, 18 tháng 6, 2012

University of East London International Development Scholarships

The Scholarship will be offered annually and is the artefact of a affiliation amid All-embracing Acceptance House, one of London's better residences for All-embracing Students, and the University of East London, a all-around acquirements association with over 28,000 acceptance from over 120 countries world-wide.

Deadline: 13 July 2012.

Scholarship Value:

The Scholarship will cover the following:

  • Acknowledgment flights (Booked by UEL)
  • Charge Fees
  • Accommodation*: Single allowance adaptation at ISH
  • Food*: 2 or 3 commons a day at ISH, the actual commons covered by subsistence
  • Subsistence(including travel)*: £450 per month 

Eligibility Criteria:
To be acceptable for the All-embracing Development Scholarship, applicants must:

  • First administer online for the MSc NGO and Development programme. The appliance will be adjourned and if you are successful, the All-embracing admissions appointment will forward you an All-embracing action letter at UEL 

  • Be from a developing or arising country. Amuse bang actuality for a account of developing or arising countries. If you are from a country that is not on this account but you accept it should be, amuse email for clarification
  • Intend to acknowledgment to your home country on achievement of the advance in adjustment to put your studies into practice
  • Be able to authenticate that you would contrarily be clumsy to accompany the advance for banking reasons 

Scholarship Intruction:
All applicants accept to authority an action on the MSc NGO and Development Management Programme afore applying for this scholarship. All applicants intending to administer for the scholarship accept to accept submitted their appliance to the Programme by 5pm (UK time) on 20 June 2012. Applications for the scholarship accept to be submitted by 13 July 2012.

Scholarship Website:

Aged Affliction Nursing Scholarships Postgraduate

Aged Affliction Nursing Scholarships: Postgraduate is an Australian Government action acknowledging registered nurses who plan aural the age-old affliction area to undertake postgraduate studies at an Australian tertiary institute. 

Applications for this arrangement are now closed. The next annular of scholarships will accessible
2 July 2012 and will be for abstraction in 2013.

Eligibility criteria:

  • be an Australian aborigine or abiding aborigine of Australia
  • be a registered assistant with accepted registration
  • be anon active in and by an Australian Government adjourned accustomed provider of a residential age-old affliction service, association age-old affliction service, multipurpose account or Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adjustable service
  • bear some absolute carebe intending to undertake postgraduate studies apropos to the affliction of earlier humans including but not bound to: analytic gerontology, behavioural management, dementia care, anguish care, abandonment care, booze affliction and infection control. Leadership and administration courses are aswell advised eligible. 

Applicants who accept commenced abstraction above-mentioned to the aperture of the accepted annular will be considered; however, acknowledged applicants will alone accept allotment for abstraction undertaken from 2013 onwards. 

Please agenda applicants already adventure training in a advance adjourned beneath the “Supporting a Professional Age Affliction Workforce” affairs and/or added Australian Government programs are ineligible. 

If you are a New Zealand citizen, amuse bang actuality to actuate your accommodation for this 

Scholarship Value:
Scholarships are accessible for postgraduate study.
The arrangement provides banking abetment in the anatomy of a scholarship account up to a absolute of $15 000 per year for two years abounding time abstraction ($30 000 in total), or $7500 per year for up to four years allotment time study.
Funding will not be accessible for courses advised alfresco Australia. These scholarships are not bonded. 

Scholarship Website:

Cardiff University International Scholarships July 2012

Study in: UK 

Scholarship description:
The Cardiff University offers Undergraduate, Postgraduate Taught (Masters) and Postgraduate Research (PhD) All-embracing Scholarships to all-embracing acceptance from all over the world. 

Host Of Scholarship:
Cardiff University, United Kingdom

Number of Scholarships: 

Undergraduate Scholarships: 4 anniversary year
Postgraduate Taught Scholarships (Masters): 4 anniversary year
Postgraduate Research Scholarships (PhD): 3 anniversary year 

Target group:
The scholarships are accessible to all-embracing acceptance from all countries.

Cardiff University International Scholarships appliance anatomy and belief are for the afterward scholarships only: 

  • Vice Chancellor’s Honorary International Scholarships
  • Cardiff University Undergraduate International Scholarships
  • Cardiff University Country-specific Undergraduate Scholarships
  • Cardiff University USA Alumni Scholarship
  • Cardiff University Postgraduate (Taught) International Scholarships
  • Cardiff University Postgraduate (Research) International Scholarships

this is important information You alone charge to complete one appliance anatomy and you will be advised for all the aloft scholarships for which you are eligible. Amuse do not complete assorted appliance forms. 

If you ambition to administer for a subject-specific scholarship (e.g.: Business, Engineering, etc), or a scholarship offered in affiliation with a accomplice organisation (e.g.: Commonwealth, Chevening etc), amuse accredit to the adapted area on the website. This is not the actual appliance anatomy or accommodation criteria. 

Eligibility Criteria:
  • You accept to be accustomed as an Overseas Student for fee paying purposes (this advice is independent in your action letter).
  • Applicants for an International Foundation Programme, Postgraduate Taught or Postgraduate Research scholarship: You accept to accept accustomed an actual action of a abode to abstraction at Cardiff University for the 2012/13 bookish year by Midnight (UK time) Sunday, 15th July 2012.
  • Applicants for an Undergraduate scholarship: You accept to accept either a codicillary or actual action and accept to accept accustomed Cardiff University as your Firm best on the UCAS system, for abstraction during the 2012/13 bookish year, by Midnight (UK time) Sunday, 15th July 2012.
  • Acceptance with offers to abstraction a Distance Learning advance are not acceptable to apply.
  • You accept to complete the appliance anatomy and claimed account as directed. Incomplete forms will not be considered.

Deadline: Midnight (UK time) Sunday, 15th July 2012. Applications accustomed afterwards this date will not be accepted.

Official Website:

Thứ Bảy, 16 tháng 6, 2012

Do-Over Scholarship On June 2012

Once again, is hosting a Do-Over Scholarship Contest.

Deadline: June 30, 2012 at 11:59 message Eastern Tim.

Award: Up to $500 (4 available)

  • Be thirteen (13) years of age or earlier at the time of application
  • Be acknowledged association of the fifty (50) United States or the District of Columbia
  • Be currently enrolled (or accept no after than the abatement of 2018) in an accepted post-secondary academy of college education

Abide an online abbreviate accounting acknowledgment (250 words or less) for the topic:
“If you could get one ‘do-over,’ in life, what would it be and why?”
Good luck...!!!

Official Scholarship Website: College Scholarship 2012

Deadline: June 30, 2012

Award: Up to $500 (4 available)

Eligibility: Open to acceptance amid the ages of 13 and 25. Scholarship is committed to allowance adolescent humans amid the agesof 13-25 acquire money for apprenticeship as able-bodied as advice bottle the environment. helps humans like you acquire money and accept fun recycling aluminum cans in their community. You get aggregate you need, including your own CansCount Recycling web page and CansCount Recycling Materials, so you can anon advance the chat about how fun and simple it is to advice you recycle aluminum. 

How To Apply For The Cans Count College Scholarship Immediately
Students amid the ages of 13 and 25 on July 31, 2012 have to annals on or afore June 30, 2012 and activate documenting their your recycling activities appliance You can use the promo cipher apparent beneath to accept a Free 90 day subcription to CanCount to advice you. You have to again column and abide your final arbitrary to complete your scholarship application.

Official Scholarship Website:

Thứ Sáu, 15 tháng 6, 2012

Barbados Undergraduate Scholarship from Nottingham University

Scholarships for Barbados Acceptance 2011-2012-2013 This scholarship is offered accordingly by the World Bank and the government of Japan. It is advised for mid-career professionals from World Bank affiliate countries. Since 2007, APU has been a Cooperating University with this scholarship, accouterment allotment to acceptance who ambition to abstraction in one of APU’s International Cooperation.

Barbados Undergraduate Scholarship
Be aggressive and accomplish your ambitions!
Scholarships of 50% appear charge fees
For winners of Barbados Scholarships and Exhibitions in 2012 

Scholarship Provider: Nottingham University

Scholarship Place: UK 

Description: The scholarship is for anniversary year of the programme.Scholarships of 50% appear charge fees for winners of Barbados Scholarships and Exhibitions in 2012. 

How to Apply: By mail 

Deadline: 29 June 2012 

You can administer for this scholarship if you:
  • are a champ of the Barbados Scholarships and Exhibitions in 2012 AND
  • are classed as an across apprentice for fee purposes AND
  • already authority an action to alpha a full-time Undergraduate amount programme at Nottingham in September 2012 – any accountable breadth (excluding Medicine and Veterinary Science) – you accept to accept gone close on that action by 29 June 2012 

Applications should be fabricated through Mrs Jenny Atherton, the University’s adumbrative in Barbados, e-mail Mrs Jenny Atherton at 

For More Information Visit:

NERC PhD Studentship On United Kingdom

Start Date: October 2012 

Entry Requirements: UK/EU Applicants Only

Closing Date for Applications: Open Until Filled

The Department of Biology is admiring to action a Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) Studentship for October 2012 access to its Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) programme. The studentship is arguable for 3.5 years and will pay full-time University UK/EU charge fees and cover an anniversary allowance (currently account £13,590 a year), and a Research Support Grant (including conference/travel allowance of £300 a year). 

  • Applicants accept to accept a capital or top high cheap honours amount (or agnate qualification) in a accordant conduct and accommodated the University's accepted English accent access requirements.
  • This studentship is alone accessible to applicants who are acceptable to pay the UK/EU charge fee - i.e., those who are assuredly citizen in the UK or addition EU country. Please agenda that applicants from the EU (excluding the UK) accept to accept been citizen in the UK for at atomic three years above-mentioned to basic the studentship to accept both the allowance and fee apparatus of this award; EU applicants who do not accommodated this belief will accept the fee abandonment basic only.
  • Applicants from alfresco the EU are not acceptable for this studentship unless they accept been accepted abiding UK residency/citizenship. 

The studentship is for full-time abstraction alone and applicants accept to be able to arise their studies in October 2012.
For More Information Visit :

Thứ Hai, 11 tháng 6, 2012

New Scholarship 2x PhD Bursaries in English

English Literature, American Literature, English Language, or Creative Writing
The School of English is admiring to action two bursaries for October 2012 access to its Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) programme. The bursaries are account £1,500 anniversary and will be paid as a abridgement in the advance fee in the aboriginal year of registration. The bursaries are accessible to new all-embracing (i.e., alfresco the EU) applicants.

Scholarship Title: 2 x £1,500 PhD Bursaries

Closing Date for Applications 01 August 2012

Research Areas and Supervisio:
We acceptable applications from those searching to plan in areas accordant with the analysis interests of our agents aural the ample capacity of: 
  • English Literature
  • American Literature
  • English Language
  • Creative Writing 

  • Applicants accept to accept a capital or top high cheap honours amount (or agnate qualification) in English and accommodated the University's accepted English accent access requirements. It is accepted that applicants should aswell accept a Masters amount with arete or acumen in English or a accompanying conduct or be able to appearance affirmation that they will accomplish this afore October 2012.
  • The bursaries are accessible to acceptable all-embracing (i.e., alfresco the EU) applicants only. The bursaries are for full-time abstraction alone and applicants accept to be able to arise their studies in October 2012. 

New 3 PhD advisers Position of Leiden University, Netherlands

The Leiden Institute for Area Studies (LIAS) is committed to the affiliation of antidotal and regional-historical perspectives. LIAS has as its aim the advance of teaching and analysis of Area Studies at Leiden University and in the added bookish community. LIAS comprises the Schools of Asian Studies (SAS) and Middle Eastern Studies (SMES). Area specializations in SAS awning Chinese, Japanese, Korean, South & Southeast Asian and Tibetan Studies. LIAS agents accept antidotal ability beyond the abstract and the amusing sciences. 

Scholarship Level: PhD

Scholarship Area: Netherlands

How to Apply: Online
Please forward your appliance electronically advertence the abstraction amount afore the borderline of Wednesday 20 June 2012 

  • plan and/or analysis acquaintance in East Asia, with a Masters amount in development studies, economics, geography, sociology, law, political science, anthropology, and/or China and added Area studies;
  • accurate absorption in issues of development with accurate advertence to acreage action and administration, accustomed ability management, rural and ecology policy, spatial planning, amusing asperity and conflict;
  • delivery in English (spoken and written, see aswell below);
  • accomplished ability of Chinese all-important for the analysis and fieldwork;
  • acquaintance with quantitative (e.g. surveys and SPSS/Excel), as able-bodied as qualitative (e.g. semi-structured interviews, participatory observation, RRA/PRA, case-study analysis and focus groups) methods of fieldwork and data-analysis;
  • acquaintance with web-design, web-management, and the use of amusing media for analysis dissemination;
  • a dynamic, able and candid aggregation amateur with a hands-on, mentality;
  • preferably, basal alive ability of Dutch.

  • Applications accept to be submitted in English and accept to include:
  • awning letter advertence your action and adequacy for this position;
  • completed commodity analysis assignment, downloadable at;
  • abundant class vitae with exact dates advertence month/year;
  • in case of non-native English speakers or those after an undergraduate amount acquired in The Netherlands or an English-speaking country: affidavit of English accent accomplishment (IELTS 7.0, lower account alone advised in aberrant circumstances, e.g. added compensatory factors in agreement of different acquaintance and expertise);
  • internationally certified copies of your bookish diplomas and account of grades;
  • acquaintance data of three referees (referees will alone be contacted if arrive for an interview). 

New BigSun Scholarship 2012

The BigSun Organization is appreciative to be able to advice adolescent athletes accomplish in their bookish pursuits. In adjustment to do our allotment we are alms an anniversary scholarship to a admirable student. All apprentice athletes are acceptable for this award, behindhand of which action they are accommodating in.

How to Apply:
Please forward us a abbreviate article answering the afterward question:
  • How has your apprenticeship contributed to who you are today? 
  • Why do you wish to acquire a academy education? 

June 22, 2012.
The accolade is mailed aural 2 weeks of the deadline. 

All apprentice athletes are acceptable behindhand of the action they are affianced in. The apprentice have to be a top academy chief or be accessory a column accessory institute.
Please cover advice on the sport(s) you are currently accommodating in.

How to submi:
All article submissions should be beatific to: 

For More Information Visit :

Chủ Nhật, 10 tháng 6, 2012

New Scholarship Award from Discus Award College

There are two types of academy scholarships acceptance can win through the Discus Awards program: Accessible Scholarships and Arrangement Scholarships. Read beneath to accomplish abiding you accept the differences amid these two types of scholarships.


Scholarships for high school seniors, juniors, sophomores and freshmen

National All-Around Student Scholarships $2,000 May 31, 2013

The Discus Awards affairs may activity added accessible scholarships in the future, so analysis aback actuality or at our Facebook page for important accessible scholarship announcements!

One Award:

Why delay until April of your chief year to acquisition out your scholarship options? You can administer for a Discus Award on the aboriginal day of your freshmen year of top academy and alpha earning scholarships for college! And, with a new $2,000 National All-Around Student Scholarship awarded every ages of the academy year, there's no curtailment of scholarship opportunities that appear with Discus Award recognition.

If you accept not already activated for a 2012-2013 Discus Award, appoint yourself now.

Who is Acceptable for These Top Academy Student Scholarships?

To be acceptable for a Discus Award, acceptance have to be U.S. citizens or acknowledged association in 9th, 10th, 11th, or 12th grade. Every Discus Award champ is acceptable for scholarship consideration. Please appointment specific scholarship pages to acquisition the accommodation requirements for anniversary academy scholarship offered through the Discus Awards program.


Our board are teachers, advice counselors, academy administrators, and academy admissions admiral who get to plan with hundreds of acceptance anniversary year. Accomplish your choice angle out with the afterward tips:

  • Be specific about your accomplishments in a accurate category. Think “I’m the admiral of my school’s banjo enthusiasts club” rather than “I adulation music.”
  • Show our board your accomplishments in activity with photos and videos. A account is account 1,000 words - let our board see you in all your greatness.
  • Embrace your differences - you’re different in your qualities, abilities, and accomplishments; aces achievements that abstracted you from the pack.

For More Information Please Visit:

Thứ Bảy, 9 tháng 6, 2012

New Scholarship Program of Core Fulbright

The amount Fulbright Scholar Program sends 800 U.S. adroitness and professionals away anniversary year. Grantees address and conduct analysis in a advanced array of bookish and able fields. 

The Fulbright Program is sponsored by the United States Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. Under a accommodating acceding with the Bureau, the Council for International Exchange of 

  • U.S. citizenship – abiding abode is not sufficient.
  • A Ph.D. or agnate professional/terminal amount (including the master’s degree, depending on the field) as appropriate. Candidates alfresco academe (e.g., professionals, artists) charge accustomed able continuing and abundant able accomplishments.
  • College or university teaching awards crave acquaintance at the akin and in the acreage defined by the accolade description.
  • Foreign accent accomplishment as defined by the accolade description or appropriate for the acknowledged achievement of the proposed project. (In abounding areas, lecturing is in English.)
  • Sound concrete and brainy health. Grantees are appropriate to abide a Medical History and Examination Report afore their grants can be finalized.
  • The lifetime best amount of Fulbright Scholar grants is two. That may be affected either as two Amount grants or one Amount admission and two concise (two months or less) grants.
  • Grants shall not accredit action for which a authorization to convenance anesthetic or nursing is required. 

Deadline: August 1, 2012 


For More Information Visit :

Thứ Sáu, 8 tháng 6, 2012

New Undergraduate and Postgraduate Scholarship from Cardiff University

Deadline: 15 July 2012

You alone charge to complete one of scholarship appliance anatomy and you will be advised for all the aloft scholarships for which you are eligible. Amuse do not complete assorted appliance forms. 

If you ambition to administer for a subject-specific scholarship (e.g.: Business, Engineering, etc), or a scholarship offered in affiliation with a accomplice organisation (e.g.: Commonwealth, Chevening etc), amuse accredit to the adapted area on the website. This is not the actual appliance anatomy or accommodation criteria.

Study in: UK
Course starts September 2012 

Brief description:
The Cardiff University offers Undergraduate, Postgraduate Accomplished (Masters) and Postgraduate Analysis (PhD) All-embracing Scholarships to all-embracing acceptance from all over the world. 

Host Institution(s):
Cardiff University, United Kingdom 

Scholarship Target:
The scholarships are accessible to all-embracing acceptance from all countries. 

Scholarship value/inclusions: 

Undergraduate Scholarships
Scholarship-holders will accept a fee abandonment to the amount of abounding all-embracing charge fees (to a best of £15,000 per year) for the aboriginal year of their undergraduate amount at Cardiff University. 

Postgraduate Accomplished Scholarships (Masters)
Scholarship holders will accept a fee abandonment to the amount of abounding all-embracing charge fees (to a best of £15,000) for the absolute continuance of a one year postgraduate accomplished programme at Cardiff University (or for one year of a programme that is best than one year). They will aswell accept a aliment allowance of £10,000 for one year (to be accustomed aloft accession at Cardiff University). 

Postgraduate Analysis Scholarships (PhD)
The scholarship amount is the aberration amid home (UK/EU) charge fees and all-embracing charge fees of their postgraduate analysis programme at Cardiff University. 

Eligibility Criteria :
  • You accept to be accustomed as an Overseas Student for fee paying purposes (this advice is independent in your action letter).
  • Applicants for an All-embracing Foundation Programme, Postgraduate Accomplished or Postgraduate Analysis scholarship: You accept to accept accustomed an actual action of a abode to abstraction at Cardiff University for the 2012/13 bookish year by Midnight (UK time) Sunday, 15th July 2012.
  • Applicants for an Undergraduate scholarship: You accept to accept either a codicillary or actual action and accept to accept accustomed Cardiff University as your Firm best on the UCAS system, for abstraction during the 2012/13 bookish year, by Midnight (UK time) Sunday, 15th July 2012.
  • Acceptance with offers to abstraction a Distance Learning advance are not acceptable to apply.
  • You accept to complete the appliance anatomy and claimed account as directed. Incomplete forms will not be considered.
  • You accept to acknowledgment the appliance anatomy by the deadline: Midnight (UK time) Sunday, 15th July 2012. Applications accustomed afterwards this date will not be accepted.
  • Scholarships are to be acclimated for bookish year 2012/3 alone and cannot be acclimated for 2013/14 entry. If you are awarded a scholarship and ambition to adjourn your access to the University, you will lose your scholarship and will charge to re-apply afresh in the afterward year.
  • These scholarships are alone accessible to self-funded students. Acceptance who are in cancellation of abounding allotment from a advocacy physique (such as their home country’s government or a clandestine organisation) are not acceptable to apply.

How to apply:

For More Information Visit WEB

Thứ Năm, 7 tháng 6, 2012

Why study in the united kingdom?

The UK has developed to become one of the top destinations to abstraction about the world. With traditions of arete dating aback hundreds of years, top chic institutions at every bend and abundant added adaptability than abounding added countries, the United Kingdom has abundant to action all-embracing acceptance that added English-speaking countries cannot offer. 

But what makes the United Kingdom angle out? Why should you appear to the UK as a destination to added your all-embracing education? 

Growing Destination
International acceptance accept consistently been an important attendance in the UK, and the numbers accept been growing steadily. With over 330,000 all-embracing acceptance during the 2005/2006 academy year, the UK is the additional a lot of accepted destination for all-embracing students, abaft the US. The UK has formed harder to capitalize on the growing appeal for English-language apprenticeship and the post-9/11 acceptance hurdles in the US. The top ten countries sending acceptance to the UK are: 

  1. China 50,755
  2. India 19,205
  3. Greece 17,675
  4. Republic of Ireland 16,790
  5. USA 14,755
  6. Germany 13,265
  7. France 12,455
  8. Malaysia 11,450
  9. Nigeria 9,605
  10. Hong Kong 9,445 

Worldwide Recognition
The degrees and abilities from UK college apprenticeship institutions are accepted about the apple as top superior and apple class. The accepted of arete is set by some of the earlier universities with apparent names, like Oxford and Cambridge, but the attitude carries through to abounding of the universities and colleges throughout the UK. If searching for plan in the future, this can be a abundant diplomacy point in your favour! 

Education Costs are Lower
The amount of apprenticeship for an all-embracing apprentice in the UK can be lower compared to the USA and added countries. Some courses in the USA can be $25,000 additional a year in charge alone. Tution for the majority of UK college apprenticeship institutions is in the arena of £6,000 to £7,000 a year - appreciably less! 

You can aswell save a lot of money because your amount will about yield beneath time to complete in the UK than in added countries. Although four-year programs are accretion in popularity, a lot of amount programs in the UK crave a three-year advance and a masters diplomacy is about amid one and two years. If you accede the beneath timeframe, the amount will be abundant lower if you alone accept to plan for three years instead of four or even 5 as in abounding added countries. 

Although all-embracing acceptance can administer their diplomacy so that their UK apprenticeship is affordable, UK policymakers are demography agenda of an alarming trend in the amount of apprenticeship for non-EU students. With barter ante climbing, activity in the UK can be absolutely big-ticket generally. In addition, clashing in abounding added EU countries, non-EU acceptance are answerable college ante in the UK than acceptance from EU countries. 

One contempo abstraction from the College Apprenticeship Policy Institute warned that the UK accept to act to accommodate and abate charge and costs to break aggressive in the coursing for all-embracing students. At, we are consistently animated if policy-makers yield agenda of the accretion costs of all-embracing education. As all-around antagonism for all-embracing acceptance heats up, we’ll be watching for the UK to act aggressively to accumulate the UK a primary destination for all-embracing students. 

Work Opportunities
An all-embracing apprentice in the UK is about accustomed to plan up to 20 hours a anniversary during academy term, and up to full-time if academy is out of term. Of course, you should consistently assay with your all-embracing adviser at your academy afore starting any plan - you do not ambition to be in abuse of your visa, and rules change all the time. Also, it is not consistently simple to acquisition a job, so relying on plan assets to armamentarium your apprenticeship is not a acceptable idea. Unless you accept application set up through your academy afore you arrive, you should plan to armamentarium the absolute aboriginal year of your studies after any application income. Please appointment our Acceptance and Immigration pages for added data on alive in the UK as an all-embracing student. 

Scholarships/ Loans
Financing an all-embracing apprenticeship is consistently difficult. The best admission includes lots of preparation, accurate assay of your budget, and harder plan in researching and applying for scholarships. There are a array of scholarships and loans accessible to acceptance who ambition to abstraction in the UK. Please appointment our Financing/ Scholarships area for added abundant information, and aswell assay out the afterward resources:

  • UK Scholarship Search
  • UK Loans for US Citizens
  • Apprenticeship UK Scholarship Database 

Gateway to Europe
With the accession of the Channel Tunnel and low amount airlines such as EasyJet and Ryan Air, Europe is easier to admission from the UK than ever. You can ability a lot of areas of Europe from the UK aural a few hours by alternation or absolute flight. 

For example, if you are belief in London or Manchester and you ambition a weekend abroad in Italy, you can fly Ryan Air absolute to Rome, Milan, Pisa, Genoa, Venice or several added cities in Italy. The absolute flight would yield about two hours and amount anywhere from 30 to 100 pounds, depending on if you biking and if you book. Appointment our Getting About area for added UK biking information. 

Multicultural Nation
The UK is accepted for accepting a multicultural association with all religions and faiths represented in some way. With a racial, indigenous and religious jumble, the UK is actual accessible to new traditions and cultures - something that is a abundant affair for acceptance from added countries
For More Information Please Visit : Official Website

Thứ Tư, 6 tháng 6, 2012

New Commonwealth Scholarships for PhD New Zealand Universities

Universities New Zealand has arrive the CSC to appoint eight candidates for Commonwealth Scholarships for PhD abstraction in New Zealand starting in aboriginal 2013.

The afterward universities in New Zealand are alms to armamentarium one Commonwealth Scholarship anniversary at capricious values:

  • Auckland University of Technology
  • Lincoln University
  • Massey University
  • University of Auckland
  • University of Canterbury
  • University of Otago
  • University of Waikato
  • Victoria University of Wellington 

Terms and altitude for levels of allotment offered by anniversary university
More advice on acceptable capacity and admiral is accessible on alone university websites. 

Please agenda that accord in this scholarship arrangement is the best of the university and that a university may abjure at any time. The acceding of a scholarship beneath this programme is at the acumen of the university.

  • Applicants accept to be citizens of the United Kingdom (applicants with bifold New Zealand/British allegiance are ineligible)
  • Applicants accept to accept at atomic an Upper Second Class Honours undergraduate amount (by the time of demography up an award)
  • Applications will be accustomed for PhD abstraction only
  • Applicants are accepted to accept thoroughly researched the analysis programmes and capabilities of their adopted universities in New Zealand and accept to authenticate that they accept fabricated acquaintance with and can appearance some amount of abutment from a abeyant doctoral supervisor. An adumbration that an appellant has accustomed an action of a abode at their adopted New Zealand university would abetment the appraisal process, but is not mandatory. 

How to apply
Please apprehend the Universities New Zealand rules and regulations afore starting your appliance – these addendum accommodate important advice on the appliance process.

Each appellant accept to submit: 
  • one aboriginal appliance anatomy and four copies (five in total). Please specify two adopted institutions of abstraction on the form
  • 5 copies of a letter or email from your -to-be administrator in New Zealand alms abutment for your application
  • 5 certified copies of any undergraduate or postgraduate transcripts. (It is actual important that these account the capacity anesthetized and the grades of canyon in anniversary subject; bookish annal excluding such advice cannot be adjourned by the universities.) Those candidates who accept yet to alum should abide 5 copies of a letter from the university at which they are currently registered giving the data of their grades so far
  • 5 copies of a accoutrement letter, no best than two abandon of A4, ambience out why you should accept a Commonwealth Scholarship, demography agenda of the alternative belief categorical at the foreground of the appliance anatomy and advertence why you ambition to abstraction in New Zealand
  • one archetype of a certified bearing certificate, and, if necessary, added affidavit of UK citizenship absorbed to the aboriginal application
The closing date for receipt of applications : 24 June 2012
Register Your Interest By Emailing

New Pacific Scholarship Of New Zealand

New Zealand Pacific Scholarships (NZPS) adjourned by NZAID. Accessible to New Zealand alone area the advance of abstraction is not accessible at bounded institutes. This scholarship is in abode of the New Zealand Development Scholarship (NZDS). 

This is a new scholarship area recipients will be appropriate to abstraction with allotment beneath accustomed New Zealand apprentice accommodation procedures with Studylink NZ. In accession New Zealand Aid will accommodate added banking assistance, admission to administration programmes, bonuses for top achievers and such. 

After achievement of studies the apprentice is apprenticed to appear home and work. For accustomed continuance of application in the Cook Islands, New Zealand Aid assists with apprentice accommodation repayments. 

Eligibility criteria: 
  1. Cook Islander with accurate New Zealand passport.
  2. Has resided in the Cook Islands two (2) years above-mentioned to the date of applying.
  3. Is not on a accepted scholarship or accept not been on a scholarship two (2) years above-mentioned to the date applying. 

Study Subject(s): Courses offered by the university

Course Level: Undergraduate or postgraduate

Scholarship Provider: NZAID

Scholarship can be taken at: New Zealand

Scholarship Open for International Students: No 

Scholarship Description: 
New Zealand Pacific Scholarships (NZPS) adjourned by NZAID. Accessible to New Zealand alone area the advance of abstraction is not accessible at bounded institutes. This scholarship is in abode of the New Zealand Development Scholarship (NZDS). This is a new scholarship area recipients will be appropriate to abstraction with allotment beneath accustomed New Zealand apprentice accommodation procedures with Studylink NZ. 

How to Apply: By mail 

Download the pre appliance anatomy here:

Scholarship Appliance Deadline: 14 June 2012 

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