Chủ Nhật, 18 tháng 3, 2012

Undergraduate 2012 Scholarship Programme in Khazanah Cambridge

Organisation Type : Private Sector / Organisation

Fund Type : Scholarship

Sponsored By : Khazanah Nasional Berhad
For inquiries amuse alarm +603-2034 0000 or email us at

Detailed description
The Khazanah-Cambridge Scholarship provides banking advocacy to Malaysians who plan to abstraction for an undergraduate and postgraduate amount at the University of Cambridge.
The Khazanah-Cambridge Scholarship, accustomed in 2009, is accordingly sponsored by Yayasan Khazanah, the Cambridge Commonwealth Trust and the Malaysian Commonwealth Studies Centre. 

The Khazanah-Cambridge Scholarship is a administration development programme that is aimed at architecture Malaysia's approaching administration talent. Recipients of this scholarship are accepted to not alone authenticate bookish excellence, but aswell advance their administration abilities through training and accord in a amount of activities. 

Scholars of the programme will abide an adorning claimed journey, and will aswell be allotment of a core of approaching leaders that will be clean-cut to eventually advance Malaysia's government-linked companies (GLCs). It is a career-long adventure that offers Malaysia's top talents an befalling to realise their abounding abeyant in the transformation of Malaysia's GLCs into globally aggressive corporations. 

The scholarship will awning for the abounding continuance of the advance of study, and provides for charge fees, account active expenses, acknowledgment air access and added provisions, such as book allowance, enactment and end of abstraction allowances.

Citizens of Malaysia who will be applying to, or who accept already anchored a codicillary or absolute action to acceptance into the University of Cambridge, and accommodated the requirements below: 

  1. Below 21 years of ag.
  2. Must accept an accomplished bookish clue record, with an absolute or predicted minimum of 3 As, or appearance affirmation of accomplished achievement throughout their pre-university studie.
  3. Must administer to accompany a full-time residential degree.

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