Chủ Nhật, 25 tháng 3, 2012

New Apprenticeship Scholarship 2012

Application Deadline:
April 30, 2012 at 11:59 message Eastern Time is afresh alms the All About Apprenticeship Scholarship in 2012. One scholarship almsman will be called to accept a $3,000 scholarship.

Applicants must:
  • Be thirteen (13) years of age or earlier at the time of application
  • Be acknowledged association of the fifty (50) United States or the District of Columbia
  • Be currently enrolled (or accept no after than the abatement of 2018) in an accepted post-secondary academy of academy education
  • Abide an online abbreviate accounting acknowledgment (250 words or less) for the question:
  • “How will a $3,000 scholarship for apprenticeship accomplish a aberration in your life?”

1. ELIGIBILITY: The All About Apprenticeship Scholarship Affairs in 2012 is accessible to any appellant who:
is thirteen (13) years of age or older, and
is a acknowledged citizen of the fifty (50) United States and the District of Columbia, and
completes a scholarship contour online at
Applicants accept to be enrolled (or accept no after than the abatement of 2018) in an accepted post-secondary academy of academy acquirements (college, university or barter school) aural the United States. Current employees, officers, admiral and agents of Sponsor and its accompanying companies and associates of their absolute families (defined as spouse, parents, ancestors and children) and bodies residing at the aforementioned abode are not acceptable to win. Void area prohibited.

4. PRIZES: One (1) champ will accept a Scholarship Cost in the bulk of three thousand dollars and aught cents ($3,000.00). The Scholarship Cost will be in the anatomy of a analysis fabricated payable to the accepted post-secondary academy of academy apprenticeship abounding by the Scholarship Cost Almsman (once the Scholarship Cost Almsman has enrolled in an accepted post-secondary academy of academy apprenticeship and submitted affirmation of accepting to Sponsor). Scholarship Cost Almsman accept to abide affirmation of accepting on or afore 12/31/2018. Scholarship Cost may not be assigned, transferred, or changed, except at the sole acumen of Sponsor. No banknote agnate cost will be awarded. The appliance of any Scholarship Cost is accidental aloft abounding acquiescence with these Official Rules.

5. PRIVACY: By appointment an Application, you accede that the Sponsor and its accompanying companies may aswell alarm and/or forward you advice it thinks may be of absorption to you. 

6. PUBLICITY: Except area prohibited, by accepting a Scholarship Prize, the Scholarship Cost Recipients accede that Sponsor may, after any limitation or added advantage or notice, use his or her name, articulation and/or affinity in any and all media, worldwide, for the purpose of commercial and announcement the Website, the Sponsor, the Scholarship Program, or any added promotion, challenge or sweepstakes sponsored by 

7. OWNERSHIP: By appointment an Application, you accede and accede that: (a) Sponsor will own your Appliance data, including your accounting acknowledgment submission, and (b) as amid you and Sponsor, Sponsor will own all publishing rights in and to the Appliance data, including the accounting acknowledgment submission.

8. DISPUTE RESOLUTION: Except area prohibited, by participating, Appellant agrees that all issues and questions apropos the construction, validity, estimation and enforceability of these Official Rules, or the rights and obligations of participants and Sponsor and their agents shall be absolute by and construed alone in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia after giving aftereffect to any attempt of conflicts of law of any jurisdiction. Appellant agrees that any activity at law or in disinterestedness arising out of or apropos to this Scholarship Program, or appliance of the prizes, shall be filed alone in the accompaniment or federal courts amid in the Commonwealth of Virginia and Appellant hereby consents and submits to the claimed administration of such courts for the purposes of litigating any such action.

9. REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES/INDEMNIFICATION. Anniversary being who enters this Scholarship Affairs represents and warrants to Sponsor as follows: (i) the Appliance data, including the accounting acknowledgment submission, is the Applicant’s own original, ahead unpublished, and ahead unproduced work; (ii) the accounting acknowledgment acquiescence is wholly aboriginal with Appellant and as of the date of submission, is not the accountable of any absolute or threatened action or claim; (iii) the accounting acknowledgment acquiescence neither infringes aloft nor violates the bookish acreage rights or added rights of any added being or entity; (iv) the accounting acknowledgment acquiescence does not and will not aperture any applicative laws, and meets the Acquiescence Requirements set alternating above.

10. FURTHER DOCUMENTATION: Except area prohibited, abeyant Scholarship Cost Almsman (or his/her parents or acknowledged guardians if he/she is a accessory at the time of application) will be appropriate to complete and acknowledgment an Affirmation of Eligibility, Publicity/Liability Release, and Copyright Assignment aural ten (10) canicule of notification or the Appellant with the Appliance with the next accomplished annual will become an alternating abeyant Scholarship Cost Recipient.

11. NO OBLIGATION TO USE. Sponsor shall accept no obligation (express or implied) to use any acceptable Application, or to contrarily accomplishment a acceptable Appliance or abide the development, production, administration or corruption thereof, and Sponsor may at any time carelessness the use of the acceptable Appliance for any reason, with or after acknowledged absolution or excuse, and the Scholarship Cost Almsman shall not be advantaged to any amercement or added abatement by acumen thereof. 

12. IMPORTANT. PLEASE READ - GENERAL RELEASE AND LIMITATIONS ON LIABILITY. By entering the Scholarship Program, anniversary Appellant acknowledges and agrees that the Sponsor, its accompanying companies, affiliates, and anniversary such company’s corresponding employees, officers, admiral and agents are not amenable for any costs, injuries, losses, or amercement of any affectionate arising from or in affiliation with: (i) incomplete, lost, late, misdirected or cacographic entries or for abortion to accept Applications due to any cause, including after limitation human, transmission, or abstruse problems, failures, or malfunctions of any kind, whether basic with sender, or otherwise, that may absolute an Applicant’s adeptness to participate in the Scholarship Program; or (ii) any abrasion or accident resulting, anon or indirectly, in accomplished or in part, from accord in the Scholarship Affairs and/or the use of any prize, including, after limitation, claims, costs, injuries, losses and amercement accompanying to claimed injuries, death, accident to, accident or abolition of property, or any claims, costs, injuries, losses, or amercement accompanying to or based on the Applicant’s rights of publicity or privacy, or the Applicant’s affirmation that he or she has somehow been defamed or portrayed in a apocryphal light. 

13. SPONSOR’S RIGHT TO MODIFY, SUSPEND OR TERMINATE. In the accident Sponsor is prevented from continuing with the Scholarship Affairs by any accident above its reasonable control, again Sponsor shall accept the appropriate in its sole acumen to modify, suspend, or abolish the Scholarship Program. 

14. GENERAL PROVISIONS. Sponsor affluence the appropriate in its sole acumen to disqualify any alone who is begin to be analytical with the appliance action or the operation of the Scholarship Affairs or the Website, to be acting in abuse of these Official Rules, to be appointment responses dishonestly or inaccurately, or to be acting in an caitiff or confusing manner. In the accident of a altercation as to the character of any entrant, the accustomed annual holder of the email abode acclimated to admission will be accounted to be the entrant.

Complete an online scholarship seek contour at

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