Thứ Bảy, 31 tháng 3, 2012

Chevening Scholarships from GOV UK

The Chevening Scholarships programme started in 1984. It was originally alleged the Foreign and Commonwealth Office Scholarships and Awards Scheme. A few years afterwards the name was afflicted to Chevening - afterwards Chevening House in the Sevenoaks District of Kent, which is currently the collective official abode of the Foreign Secretary and the Deputy Prime Minister.

Chevening Scholarships are for accomplished humans who accept been articular as abeyant approaching leaders beyond a advanced ambit of fields including politics, business, the media, civilian society, adoration and academia. Most advisers undertake a one year master’s degree. 

In the accepted bookish year there are over 500 Chevening advisers at universities beyond the UK. The programme is mainly adjourned by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, with some contributions from Higher Education Institutions and added ally in the UK.

Our Embassies and High Commissions aswell accept affiliation agreements with a advanced ambit of across sponsors including authoritative and clandestine area bodies. The programme is managed in UK and across by the British Council through a Service Level Agreement.

Who should apply?
 chevening q and a affair (Crown copyright) 
An befalling to activate architecture a accord with the UK in fields that absorption you

How to apply
girl with computer in ceramics (Getty Images)
Hints and tips on how to administer for Chevening scholarships

Who to contact
Foreign and Commonwealth Office, King Charles Street
Find out who to acquaintance about applying for a Chevening Scholarship

The Chevening community
students at a graduation commemoration (Getty Images)
Find out about the networking opportunities accessible to Chevening advisers and fellows

Thứ Sáu, 30 tháng 3, 2012

New Scholarships from WyzAnt Academy

For 2011-2012, our anniversary academy scholarships affection $10,000 in absolute cost money!

Write Your Essay 
 In 300 words or less, address an article about the a lot of important assignment you accept abstruse in your life. 

Promote Your Essay 
 Using your email and amusing media contacts, ability out to accompany and ancestors to get votes for your essay. Finalists will be bent by accepted vote! 

Requirements: Open to college freshmen, sophomores and juniors. Write a short essay about the most important lesson you have learned in life. Students will be able to solicit votes from friends and family to reach the finals.

Make it to the Finals 
 WyzAnt advisers will analysis essays in the final annular and actuate the winners. Scholarship awards of $5,000, $3,000, and $2,000 are accessible for aboriginal through third place! 

Your article have to be submitted by April 1, 2012. Winners will be appear May 15, 2012! 


New Scholarship on Miami

Award: $2,500 

Deadline: Postmarked by April 7, 2012 

Requirements: Awarded to acceptance who accept excelled in academics & association account and accept a banking need. Applicant accept to be a top academy apprentice enrolled in a Miami-Dade, Broward, or Palm Beach County accessible or clandestine school. Applicant accept to accept a minimum GPA of 3.2 by the end of the additional allocation aeon of their chief year. Applicant accept to abide an official archetype from the top academy agent forth with a archetype of their SAT and/or ACT score. Applicant accept to accept an unmet banking charge for assistance. In adjustment to prove a banking need, amuse abide a archetype of the household's W2 form(s) and a archetype of the endure tax filing (i.e. 1040 form) for all domiciliary members. 

Dr. Jack Ramsay Scholarship 

Award: $2,500 

Deadline: Postmarked by April 7, 2012 

Requirements: Awarded to acceptance who accept excelled in academics & association account and accept a banking need. Applicant accept to be a top academy apprentice enrolled in a Miami-Dade, Broward, or Palm Beach County accessible or clandestine school. Applicant accept to accept a minimum GPA of 3.2 by the end of the additional allocation aeon of their chief year. Applicant accept to abide an official archetype from the top academy agent forth with a archetype of their SAT and/or ACT score. Applicant accept to accept an unmet banking charge for assistance. In adjustment to prove a banking need, amuse abide a archetype of the household's W2 form(s) and a archetype of the endure tax filing (i.e. 1040 form) for all domiciliary members. 

Alec Kessler Student-Athlete Scholarship 
Award: $2,500 

Deadline: Postmarked by April 7, 2012 

Requirements: Awarded to apprentice who excels in academics & association service, participates in a action and has a banking need. Applicant accept to be a top academy apprentice enrolled in a Miami-Dade, Broward, or Palm Beach County accessible or clandestine school. Applicant accept to accept a minimum GPA of 3.2 by the end of the additional allocation aeon of their chief year. Applicant accept to abide an official archetype from the top academy agent forth with a archetype of their SAT and/or ACT score. Applicant accept to accept an unmet banking charge for assistance. In adjustment to prove a banking need, amuse abide a archetype of the household's W2 form(s) and a archetype of the endure tax filing (i.e. 1040 form) for all domiciliary members. 

Additional Information

New Scholarship on Commonwealth, New Zealand 2012

No. 15-2/2011-ES.4
Government of India
Ministry of Human Resource Development
Department of College Education
ES. 4 Section

Last Date : 31st May, 2012 

Applications on apparent paper, as per assigned format, are arrive from Indian Nationals residing in India for the above-mentioned Commonwealth Scholarship for college studies, analysis arch to Ph.D/Masters akin Study in New Zealand 


Ph.D 1(one)
MASTERS 1(one) 


  1. Environmental Studies;
  2. Agriculture/ Fisheries/ Biosecurity and Food Safety 


Should accept completed Bachelor’s Degree/ Master’s Amount in the accountable or affiliated fields with minimum 65% marks. Area allotment of marks is not accessible and grades are mentioned, the candidates accept to announce the about-face blueprint adopted by the University/Institution and should aswell announce agnate allotment of marks. 

The applicant should not be added than 40 years of age as on 31.05.2012. 

General Accommodation Criteria: 

Applicants for the arrangement accept to amuse the afterward accepted accommodation belief andy any predetermined, country or regional-specific alternative belief set by NZAID and the nominating authorities. At a minimum, to be acceptable to administer for a scholarship, applicants must:

(i) accept citizenship of Commonwealth developing country;
(ii) be residing in their home country for at atomic two years above-mentioned to application;
(iii) not accept citizenship or abiding abode cachet of New Zealand or Australia, or addition development country, except area their country does not affair passports and they authority a New Zealand passport;
(iv) not be affiliated or affianced to be affiliated to a being who holds, or who is acceptable to hold, citizenship or abiding abode cachet of New Zealand, Australia or addition developed country, except area their country does not affair passports and they authority a New Zealand passport
(v) be applying to arise a new accomplishment and not be gluttonous allotment for one already commenced at the PhD or Masters level;
(vi) amuse the acceptance requirements of the New Zealand apprenticeship academy I which the accomplishment is to be undertaken, including English accent criteria;
(vii) accept been alive in their country of citizenship, finer for at atomic two years above-mentioned to application;
(viii) authority a aboriginal chic accepted (or above); or a aboriginal chic amount and a accordant postgraduate qualification, which will commonly be a Master’s degree;
(ix) be accessible to arise their bookish studies in New Zealand by the alpha of the New Zealand bookish year in February 2013;
(x) accept already anchored acceptance to their adopted New Zealand university; affirmation of acceptance (eg. A letter of offer) is appropriate with the appliance form; a codicillary letter of action from a New Zealand university is acceptable to acquiesce an appliance to be accepted;
(To be produced at the time of interview)
(xi) accept a planned programme alpha date (in the letter of offer) not beforehand than February 2013. 

Important Note:
Information on the New Zealand Commonwealth Scholarship scheme, including the account of accommodating New Zealand apprenticeship institutions, is accessible on the scholarships pages of the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the New Zealand Aid Programme website visit:

International Students Scholarships from Sydney Achievers


30 April/31 Oct (annual)
Study in: Sydney, Australia
Next advance starts Sem 2, 2012 

Brief description: 

The Sydney Achievers All-embracing Scholarships provides new all-embracing acceptance who wants to abstraction in University of Sydney in Australia. 

These celebrated scholarships are aimed at alluring top achieving, academically meritorious, all-embracing acceptance to adore the ‘Sydney experience’ at one of the finest institutions of college apprenticeship in the world. 

Host Institution: 

University of Sydney, Australia 

Field(s) of study: 

Any undergraduate or postgraduate affairs offered at the University 

Number of Scholarships: 

There will be 15 scholarships accessible for undergraduate programs and 15 scholarships for postgraduate programs. 

Target group: 

The scholarships are for all-embracing acceptance from any country. 

Scholarship value/inclusions: 

For the undergraduate scholarships, anniversary scholarship has a amount of AUD$10,000 per annum, accessible for a best of three years, (total amount AUD$30,000) for any Undergraduate affairs offered at the University of Sydney (subject to the almsman advancement satisfactory bookish advance anniversary year). 

For the postgraduate scholarships, anniversary scholarship has a amount of AUD$10,000 each, accessible as a one-off accolade (total amount AUD$10,000) for any Postgraduate Coursework affairs offered at the University of Sydney. 

Important Note: No active allowance is payable for both scholarships. 


Undergraduate Scholarships 

Applicants accept to accept completed an Australian Year 12 accomplishment or an all-embracing chief accessory accomplishment accustomed by the University with an Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR) of at atomic 98* or equivalent. 

Students who accept already commenced tertiary studies, or acceptance appointment with acclaim exemptions and/or avant-garde continuing are not eligible. Acceptance commutual Foundation Studies Programs are aswell not eligible. 

Postgraduate Scholarships 

Applicants accept to accept completed the agnate of an Australian Bachelor amount accomplishment with a minimum top acumen boilerplate as based on the Australian allocation system. Acceptance who accept already commenced postgraduate studies, or acceptance appointment from added postgraduate programs are not eligible. 

Application instructions: 

No abstracted appliance for a scholarship is necessary. An appliance for acceptance to the University of Sydney in 2012 will aggregate an appliance for a scholarship. All applications affair the alternative and accommodation belief will be automatically considered. 

The borderline for cancellation of applications and complete acknowledging affidavit (academic and English accent accomplishment results) is 31 October 2011 for Semester 1, 2012, and 30 April 2012 (for Semester 2, 2012). Applications accustomed afterwards these deadlines will not be considered. 

It is important to appointment the official website (link begin below) for abundant advice on how to administer for this scholarship. 

Official Website Visit:

Thứ Năm, 29 tháng 3, 2012

New Scholarship on Mercy College Trustees

Thursday, April 19, 2012
6:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.

The Plaza Fifth Avenue at Central Park South New York, NY 10019 Directions | Subway

Plaza District


Mercy College will account several affecting associates of the business association during its 31st Annual Trustees’ Scholarship Dinner. The accident will be captivated at 6 p.m. on April 19th at The Plaza Hotel in New York City.The College will bless Faith Hope Consolo, Chairman of the Retail Leasing and Sales Division of Prudential Douglas Elliman Real Estate; Gregory J. Furman, Chairman and Founder of The Luxury Marketing Council; Duncan L. Niederauer, CEO of the NYSE Euronext; as able-bodied as brothers Frank Sadlier Dinger and William Sadlier Dinger, Chairman of the Board and President, appropriately of William H. Sadlier Inc. 

These honorees will be acclaimed as aberrant and transformational leaders who serve as examples of awful acclaimed able success.“The Annual Trustees’ Scholarship Banquet allows us to admit an arrangement of professionals whose business accuracy and outstanding addition accept propelled them to become beacons of afflatus for our students,” said Mercy College President Dr. Kimberly R. Cline. “Mercy College is accustomed to admit the harder plan and adherence of these able individuals.” 

The Banquet is the College’s a lot of celebrated fundraising accident of the year. Tickets, which cover a cocktail accession and built-in dinner, alpha at $700. All funds aloft are capital in allowance Mercy College accommodate apprentice scholarships.

General Price : $700

Mercy College

Online registration


Event Type

New Scholarship from RoSPA/BNFL

Apply now for analysis allotment to advice save lives and abate injuries
(Closing Date 2nd April)

The arrangement is financed by a bequeathal of £500,000 from BNFL to armamentarium two to three scholarships per year. Its aim is to accredit analysis into assurance and blow blockage in adjustment to aftermath defined, applied and affecting outcomes to advice save lives and abate injuries. 

Although applications for allotment are arrive for any projects that ability accommodated the aloft cold this year RoSPA is decidedly absorbed in accepting proposals in the afterward areas: 

Work safety
  • A absolute analysis of activity in affiliation to the administration of anatomic alley accident as a base for authoritative recommendations for activity to advice sustain advance fabricated and drive the MORR calendar forward. 

Road safety
  • Analysis to authorize why such almighty ample drops in alley deaths occurred in 2007 to 2010 and what acquaint can be fatigued to advice abide the bottomward trend over the next 5 to 10 years. 

Home safety
  • Analysis to authorize the attributes and admeasurement of home and leisure abrasion blockage activities in England, Wales and Scotland with a accurate focus on levels of investment, programme supply and outcomes in anniversary Nation. 

Water and leisure safety
  • Analysis into the capability of assurance & accident apprenticeship programmes such as LASER. 

Safety education
  • Research, development and appraisal of new assurance and accident apprenticeship assets for use in schools. 

In accession to administering new research, applications for projects evaluating absolute or planned assurance schemes are welcome. 
The closing date for applications is April 2, 2012 and the winners will be appear at the RoSPA Anatomic Health and Assurance Awards in Birmingham in May.

For added information, amuse bang here.

Thứ Hai, 26 tháng 3, 2012

Alexander Dorrington Scholarship

Closing date: 31/03/2012

Value of Award: $3,000

No. of awards: One

Tenure:Up to 2 years (see Additional information). 

The Scholarship was accustomed in 2006 and is financed by AlexanderDorrington Lawyers. AlexanderDorrington Lawyers action the scholarship to animate and accolade arete in the abstraction of property, acreage administration and appraisal and aims to abutment those gluttonous to complete a amount anon associated with the acreage industry. 

To animate and accolade arete in the abstraction of property, acreage administration and appraisal and aims to abutment those gluttonous to complete a amount anon associated with the acreage industry. 

Selection process: 
  • The Scholarship will be awarded to a applicant who has paid the fees, or abiding to pay the fees, for full-time enrolment in Year 2 or 3 of a Bachelor of Acreage or Bachelor of Acreage conjoint.
  • The base of alternative will be bookish arete as bent by: Year 1 Bachelor of Acreage or Bachelor of Acreage aggregate results; advice and interpersonal skills; and abeyant to accomplish in the acreage industry. 

General Information:
How do accepting apply?
Applications forms are accessible from the Scholarship Office or can be downloaded from the Website. See acquaintance details. 

Decision makers
The Scholarship will be awarded by the University of Auckland Council aloft the advocacy of a alternative board absolute the Dean of the Faculty of Business 

How and if do accepting apprentice of the decision?
Approximately six weeks afterwards closing date by letter. 

What altitude are absorbed to accepting of this award?
The University of Auckland Council has ability to abolish or append a Scholarship if it receives an unsatisfactory address on the advance of a Scholar from the Head of the Department of Property. 
Additional Information
  • Current recipients applying for a additional year of allotment will be appropriate to abide a letter requesting
  • assiduity by the closing date.
  • Regulations are Subject to approval by Senate and Council.

For More Info Visit Web:

Undergraduate Scholarships of AUEA Ardmore Fund

Closing date: 31/03/2012

Value of Award: up to $5,000

No. of awards: Up to 3depending on availability of funds

Tenure:1 year. 

The Ardmore Fund was accustomed by accepting from the Auckland University College Academy of Engineering at Ardmore chic of 1957-59 afterwards their acknowledged alliance in April 2000.
The Scholarships are awarded to accepting of top bookish accomplishment who body the camaraderie, academy spirit and ethics adumbrative of 'The Ardmore Years'. Special appliance is accustomed to accepting experiencing banking hardship. 

Selection process:
The Scholarship will be awarded to candidates who accept paid the fees, or abiding to pay the fees, for full-time enrolment in Part III or Part IV of a BE(Hons) degree.
The base of alternative will be bookish accomplishment and how able-bodied the appellant exemplifies the camaraderie, academy spirit and ethics adumbrative of 'The Ardmore Years'. This includes commitment, energy, exuberance, affable animosity and teamwork. Special appliance is accustomed to accepting experiencing banking hardship, decidedly area such accident ability aftereffect in the apprentice not commutual their engineering studies. 

General Information:
How do accepting apply?
Application anatomy and guidelines are accessible for download from the webiste data provided. Applications on an adapted anatomy should ability the Scholarships Office not afterwards than 31 March in the year of the award. Interviews will yield abode afore the end of July anniversary year.

Decision makers
The Scholarships shall be awarded by the University of Auckland Council on the advocacy of a Alternative Committee absolute the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering (or nominee), a adumbrative of the AUEA Committee and an bookish from the Faculty of Engineering called by the Dean of Engineering. 

How and if do accepting apprentice of the decision?
Approximately six weeks afterwards closing date by letter. 

What altitude are absorbed to accepting of this award?
The Scholarship may be concluded by the University of Auckland Council, in appointment with the AUEA Board, on cancellation of adverse address from the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering.

Additional Information
  • The Scholarship will be paid as a tuition/compulsory fees acclaim in the additional semester.
  • In a bearings area a apprentice is clumsy to utilise the Scholarship for charge fees alone they may use the money for advance accompanying materials. In adjustment to accomplish a affirmation the apprentice will be appropriate to present the aboriginal receipts to the Scholarships Office.
  • Awardees are appropriate to abide a accounting address to the AUEA, about 6 months afterwards notification of the award. The abrupt address shall amend AUEA as to the accurate engineering career aisle the awardee is adventure and the account the awardee has acquired from the award.

For More Information Visit Web :

Chủ Nhật, 25 tháng 3, 2012

New Apprenticeship Scholarship 2012

Application Deadline:
April 30, 2012 at 11:59 message Eastern Time is afresh alms the All About Apprenticeship Scholarship in 2012. One scholarship almsman will be called to accept a $3,000 scholarship.

Applicants must:
  • Be thirteen (13) years of age or earlier at the time of application
  • Be acknowledged association of the fifty (50) United States or the District of Columbia
  • Be currently enrolled (or accept no after than the abatement of 2018) in an accepted post-secondary academy of academy education
  • Abide an online abbreviate accounting acknowledgment (250 words or less) for the question:
  • “How will a $3,000 scholarship for apprenticeship accomplish a aberration in your life?”

1. ELIGIBILITY: The All About Apprenticeship Scholarship Affairs in 2012 is accessible to any appellant who:
is thirteen (13) years of age or older, and
is a acknowledged citizen of the fifty (50) United States and the District of Columbia, and
completes a scholarship contour online at
Applicants accept to be enrolled (or accept no after than the abatement of 2018) in an accepted post-secondary academy of academy acquirements (college, university or barter school) aural the United States. Current employees, officers, admiral and agents of Sponsor and its accompanying companies and associates of their absolute families (defined as spouse, parents, ancestors and children) and bodies residing at the aforementioned abode are not acceptable to win. Void area prohibited.

4. PRIZES: One (1) champ will accept a Scholarship Cost in the bulk of three thousand dollars and aught cents ($3,000.00). The Scholarship Cost will be in the anatomy of a analysis fabricated payable to the accepted post-secondary academy of academy apprenticeship abounding by the Scholarship Cost Almsman (once the Scholarship Cost Almsman has enrolled in an accepted post-secondary academy of academy apprenticeship and submitted affirmation of accepting to Sponsor). Scholarship Cost Almsman accept to abide affirmation of accepting on or afore 12/31/2018. Scholarship Cost may not be assigned, transferred, or changed, except at the sole acumen of Sponsor. No banknote agnate cost will be awarded. The appliance of any Scholarship Cost is accidental aloft abounding acquiescence with these Official Rules.

5. PRIVACY: By appointment an Application, you accede that the Sponsor and its accompanying companies may aswell alarm and/or forward you advice it thinks may be of absorption to you. 

6. PUBLICITY: Except area prohibited, by accepting a Scholarship Prize, the Scholarship Cost Recipients accede that Sponsor may, after any limitation or added advantage or notice, use his or her name, articulation and/or affinity in any and all media, worldwide, for the purpose of commercial and announcement the Website, the Sponsor, the Scholarship Program, or any added promotion, challenge or sweepstakes sponsored by 

7. OWNERSHIP: By appointment an Application, you accede and accede that: (a) Sponsor will own your Appliance data, including your accounting acknowledgment submission, and (b) as amid you and Sponsor, Sponsor will own all publishing rights in and to the Appliance data, including the accounting acknowledgment submission.

8. DISPUTE RESOLUTION: Except area prohibited, by participating, Appellant agrees that all issues and questions apropos the construction, validity, estimation and enforceability of these Official Rules, or the rights and obligations of participants and Sponsor and their agents shall be absolute by and construed alone in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia after giving aftereffect to any attempt of conflicts of law of any jurisdiction. Appellant agrees that any activity at law or in disinterestedness arising out of or apropos to this Scholarship Program, or appliance of the prizes, shall be filed alone in the accompaniment or federal courts amid in the Commonwealth of Virginia and Appellant hereby consents and submits to the claimed administration of such courts for the purposes of litigating any such action.

9. REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES/INDEMNIFICATION. Anniversary being who enters this Scholarship Affairs represents and warrants to Sponsor as follows: (i) the Appliance data, including the accounting acknowledgment submission, is the Applicant’s own original, ahead unpublished, and ahead unproduced work; (ii) the accounting acknowledgment acquiescence is wholly aboriginal with Appellant and as of the date of submission, is not the accountable of any absolute or threatened action or claim; (iii) the accounting acknowledgment acquiescence neither infringes aloft nor violates the bookish acreage rights or added rights of any added being or entity; (iv) the accounting acknowledgment acquiescence does not and will not aperture any applicative laws, and meets the Acquiescence Requirements set alternating above.

10. FURTHER DOCUMENTATION: Except area prohibited, abeyant Scholarship Cost Almsman (or his/her parents or acknowledged guardians if he/she is a accessory at the time of application) will be appropriate to complete and acknowledgment an Affirmation of Eligibility, Publicity/Liability Release, and Copyright Assignment aural ten (10) canicule of notification or the Appellant with the Appliance with the next accomplished annual will become an alternating abeyant Scholarship Cost Recipient.

11. NO OBLIGATION TO USE. Sponsor shall accept no obligation (express or implied) to use any acceptable Application, or to contrarily accomplishment a acceptable Appliance or abide the development, production, administration or corruption thereof, and Sponsor may at any time carelessness the use of the acceptable Appliance for any reason, with or after acknowledged absolution or excuse, and the Scholarship Cost Almsman shall not be advantaged to any amercement or added abatement by acumen thereof. 

12. IMPORTANT. PLEASE READ - GENERAL RELEASE AND LIMITATIONS ON LIABILITY. By entering the Scholarship Program, anniversary Appellant acknowledges and agrees that the Sponsor, its accompanying companies, affiliates, and anniversary such company’s corresponding employees, officers, admiral and agents are not amenable for any costs, injuries, losses, or amercement of any affectionate arising from or in affiliation with: (i) incomplete, lost, late, misdirected or cacographic entries or for abortion to accept Applications due to any cause, including after limitation human, transmission, or abstruse problems, failures, or malfunctions of any kind, whether basic with sender, or otherwise, that may absolute an Applicant’s adeptness to participate in the Scholarship Program; or (ii) any abrasion or accident resulting, anon or indirectly, in accomplished or in part, from accord in the Scholarship Affairs and/or the use of any prize, including, after limitation, claims, costs, injuries, losses and amercement accompanying to claimed injuries, death, accident to, accident or abolition of property, or any claims, costs, injuries, losses, or amercement accompanying to or based on the Applicant’s rights of publicity or privacy, or the Applicant’s affirmation that he or she has somehow been defamed or portrayed in a apocryphal light. 

13. SPONSOR’S RIGHT TO MODIFY, SUSPEND OR TERMINATE. In the accident Sponsor is prevented from continuing with the Scholarship Affairs by any accident above its reasonable control, again Sponsor shall accept the appropriate in its sole acumen to modify, suspend, or abolish the Scholarship Program. 

14. GENERAL PROVISIONS. Sponsor affluence the appropriate in its sole acumen to disqualify any alone who is begin to be analytical with the appliance action or the operation of the Scholarship Affairs or the Website, to be acting in abuse of these Official Rules, to be appointment responses dishonestly or inaccurately, or to be acting in an caitiff or confusing manner. In the accident of a altercation as to the character of any entrant, the accustomed annual holder of the email abode acclimated to admission will be accounted to be the entrant.

Complete an online scholarship seek contour at

Thứ Bảy, 24 tháng 3, 2012

Evelyn M. Harrison Scholarship Closing Date

Closing date: 30/03/2012

Value of Award: $7,000.

No. of awards: One per year.

Tenure: One year. 

This Scholarship has its origins in a Trust Deed accustomed in 1987 by Evelyn Maud Harrison. In 1992 the Trustees of the armamentarium bent that a Scholarship would be fabricated accessible for the 1992 bookish year and thereafter anniversary year (unless assorted in appointment with the Trustees).
For the promotion, advance and advance of studies in singing and articulation production. 

Selection process:
The Scholarship shall be awarded to a apprentice of singing commutual the final year of any undergraduate advance in the School of Music at The University of Auckland.
The examiners may yield into appliance the banking and added affairs of candidates for the Scholarship, such affairs getting abundant in anniversary candidate's application.
The Scholarship shall be accessible to acceptance beneath the age of 30 years at the time of the application. 

General Information:
How do acceptance apply?
Applications for the Scholarship shall be fabricated to the Scholarships Office, The University of Auckland. Applicants for the Scholarship will be appropriate to accumulation the name, abode and acquaintance blast amount of at atomic one adjudicator who shall be absolute of the School of Music at The University of Auckland. 

Decision makers
The Scholarship shall be awarded by the Council on the aftereffect of an assay in articulate achievement to be conducted by the Head of Music or nominee, with the abetment of addition affiliate of agents from the School of Music and a third examiner, who will not commonly be a accepted affiliate of agents from the School of Music. 

Additional Information 

  • The Council shall not be apprenticed to accolade the Scholarship in any year if there is no applicant of acceptable merit.
  • The Council may from time to time alter the altitude for accolade of the Scholarship in appointment with the Trustees provided there is no abandonment from the capital purpose of the Trust. 

Who abroad has advice about this award?
Scholarships Office, The University of Auckland.

For guidelines, appliance forms and added advice about this award visit

Thứ Sáu, 23 tháng 3, 2012

How To Creating a New Scholarship

When creating a new scholarship, donors accept abounding decisions to make. Scholarships may accommodate abetment up to the absolute educational costs (tuition and fees and assertive active costs as authentic by the Federal Government) for accessory SIUE. These accounts may be accustomed as able or non-endowed accounts and may be awarded on the base of arete or banking need. 
In accordance with University policy, the Foundation notifies the Apprentice Banking Aid Office of all scholarships accustomed by acceptance through the Foundation. 

Merit-based scholarships are awarded based on belief accustomed by the donor. Belief may awning such items as bookish standing, association service, administration qualities or aberrant talent. 

 Examples of merit-based scholarships are: 

  • Chancellor’s and Presidential Scholarships: These are awarded to entering freshmen who accept displayed top bookish abilities and talents. These four-year scholarships aswell action added allowances to the recipients, such as appropriate ceremoniousness classes and a adroitness mentoring program.
  • Donor-Specified Scholarships: A donor may baptize specific belief to authorize a merit-based scholarship. The belief may awning such variables as aloft acreage of study, bookish standing, association service, etc.
  • Need-Based Scholarships: These scholarships are based on the student’s banking charge and are awarded in allocation with the Apprentice Banking Aid Office. The belief for need-based scholarships may aswell awning added requirements such as bookish standing, aloft acreage of abstraction or graduation from a specific top school.
  • Able Scholarships: Able scholarships crave a minimum accolade akin of $15,000 which will accommodate abutment to advice with tuition, fees and/or apprenticeship costs. To accommodate added abundant abutment for charge or charge and fees requires an accolade akin of at atomic $125,000. Endowments may be created for any bulk aloft the $15,000 and may go above $125,000 if the ambition is to accommodate added abutment or to accommodate abutment for added than one student. The accolade minimum for a Chancellor's Scholarship or Presidential Scholarship is $125,000.
  • Non-Endowed Scholarships: These scholarships crave a allowance that will ensure that the scholarship may be awarded for at atomic two years. In consecutive years, the scholarship cannot be awarded after a agreement or allowance from the donor that will awning the bulk of the scholarship for that year. Appropriate arrange may be fabricated for ancient or aberrant scholarship gifts. 

What should be considered? 

When establishing the belief for scholarships and grants, the afterward questions should be considered: 

  1. Is the scholarship or admission based on bookish arete or based on the banking charge of the student?
  2. What, if any, are the bookish standards appropriate for this scholarship or grant?
  3. Is the scholarship or admission belted to applicants from specific top schools?
  4. Is the scholarship or admission accessible to all students, including alum students, or is it bound to undergraduates, or even added specifically, to a assertive chic or blazon of student, such as an admission apprentice or alteration student?
  5. Is the scholarship or admission belted to applicants from a specific program, department, Academy or College aural the University?
  6. Is the scholarship or admission bound to a assertive bulk of advance hours per semester?
To abode the abeyant bearings area a scholarship or admission may no best be awarded as specified, the agreement (the certificate that data how the scholarship will be awarded) will awning a account giving the Foundation’s Board of Directors the adeptness to acclimate or change the agreement as all-important in adjustment that an accolade may be made. Examples of such situations would include, but are not bound to: a affairs getting alone from the curriculum, a change in the charge and fee structures, or a akin absolute on the bulk that may be awarded if added funds are in fact accessible to be awarded. 

Source :

Thứ Năm, 22 tháng 3, 2012

Scholar Awards for Developing Countries of New Zealand

New Zealand Aid Programme are for Masters and PhD akin accessible to candidates from the accessible and clandestine area including civilian society, university lecturers, development-focused organisations and accommodating foundations, 2012 New Zealand Abstraction

Subject(s) : Various

Course Level: Master and PhD

Scholarship Provider: New Zealand Aid Programme, the New Zealand Government’s all-embracing development programme
Scholarship can be taken at: New Zealand


  • Be a aborigine of one of the acceptable countries and accept resided in that country for at atomic two years at the time of application
  • Not accept citizenship/permanent abode cachet for New Zealand or Australia.
  • Not be affiliated or affianced to be affiliated to a being who holds New Zealand or Australian citizenship or abiding abode cachet Not authority or accept captivated a New Zealand Government or Australia Government scholarship in the above-mentioned 24 months at the time of appliance .
  • Not be gluttonous abutment for a amount programme already commenced not authority a accomplishment at a agnate akin or in a agnate acreage of abstraction at agnate akin (this agency holders of accessible degrees should administer for Masters or PhD and Masters graduates should administer for PhD study)

Scholarship Accessible for All-embracing Students: Yes

Scholarship Accessible for Students of Following Countries: 
Cook Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, French Polynesia, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Niue, Nauru, New Caledonia, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, Wallis and Futuna, Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Philippines, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Mongolia, Nepal, Timor-Leste,Viet Nam, Botswana, Ethiopia, Kenya, Lesotho, Mozambique, Mauritius, Namibia, Rwanda, South Africa,Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Argentina, Bolivia,Brazil, Chile, including Rapa Nui, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay.

Scholarship Description:
The New Zealand-ASEAN Scholar Awards are adjourned by the New Zealand Aid Programme, the New Zealand Government’s all-embracing development programme. They are managed by the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade. These awards empower individuals with the knowledge, abilities and abilities to accord to economic, amusing and political development aural ASEAN nations. The New Zealand-ASEAN Scholar Awards recognise New Zealand’s abutting cultural, economic, and geographic ties with South-east Asia. They seek to empower individuals to accord to the economic, social, and political development of their countries.Select country from the account and acquisition added advice about the types of scholarships available, who can apply, antecedence sectors and subjects, and the appliance process.

How to Apply: Post

Scholarship Appliance Deadline: Various

For More Information Visit :

Scholarships Masters of Ghent University in Belgium

Master grants for candidates from developing countries !NEW CALL!

This Ghent University programme provides adept grants to candidates from developing countries who ambition to access a master’s amount at Ghent University. The grants are accessible for all adept programmes at Ghent University. They are awarded for the continuance of the studies with a best of 2 years. In case of a two-year-programme the scholarship will alone be paid for the abounding appellation if the apprentice auspiciously completes the aboriginal year of the programme.

The scholarship consists of an allowance of 964 euro per ages additional the annual charge fee.

For added information, you can acquaintance Liesbeth Vandepitte.

All abstracts listed below, are the new abstracts for 2011-2012.

This is the appropriate way to alpha your procedure:

  • Decide what programme you would like to chase (consult the advertisement ‘International Masters);
  • take affliction of your admission, this can yield 3 months (consult the acceptance pdf!);
  • start commutual your Appliance Anatomy (your action is actual important);
  • when you accept accustomed your acceptance letter, forward it calm with your completed Appliance Anatomy to Liesbeth Vandepitte (1 harder copy, 1 cyberbanking copy).

All abstracts listed below, are the new abstracts for   2011-2012 :

  • Admission
  • Master alarm  2011-2012
  • Master appliance anatomy  2011-2012
  • How to ample in the appliance anatomy  2011-2012
  • Country list
  • Brochure International Masters at Ghent University
  • Closing date: 30 April  2012  (for   2011-2012 )

For More Information Search on Scholarship Web

Thứ Tư, 21 tháng 3, 2012

ASEAN Scholarships Awards in New Zealand

The New Zealand ASEAN Scholars Awards 2012 alternative annular is now accessible for applications

Application Deadline: 3 April 2012

When and How to Apply:
Television, radio and bi-weekly commercial of the New Zealand ASEAN Scholars Awards arrangement run throughout March 2012. Appliance forms are accessible from IDP Cambodia.
Applicants accept to abide their completed applications to IDP Cambodia by 5.00pm, 3 April 2012

Eligibility Criteria:
To be acceptable for a New Zealand ASEAN Scholars Awards, applicants must:

  • be a aborigine of Cambodia and be residing in Cambodia for at atomic two years at the time of application;
  • be 35 years or adolescent at the time of application;
  • hold a Bachelor’s degree, of able bookish merit, accordant to the proposed postgraduate qualification;
  • not authority a accomplishment at a agnate akin or in a agnate acreage of abstraction at agnate level;
  • be applying to arise a new accomplishment (not gluttonous abutment for one already commenced);
  • satisfy the acceptance requirements of the New Zealand apprenticeship academy in which the accomplishment is to be undertaken, including English accent criteria;
  • have a minimum two years plan acquaintance in Cambodia in their accordant public, clandestine or civilian association sectors and these two years accept to be afterwards achievement of their accomplished qualification;
  • not accept citizenship or abiding abode cachet for New Zealand, Australia or accession developed country, or be affiliated or affianced to be affiliated to a getting who holds, or who is acceptable to hold, New Zealand or Australian citizenship or abiding abode status;
  • not authority or accept captivated a New Zealand Government or Australian Government scholarship in the above-mentioned 24 months at the time of appliance recipients (excluding antecedent New Zealand Aid Programme 'English Accent Training for Officials' scholarships);
  • have a minimum IELTS (Academic) aftereffect of 5.5 overall, with no bandage beneath than 5.0 and after-effects to be no earlier than 24 months at time of application*
  • (* Some candidates may be provided IELTS testing afterward their interview);
  • be accessible to yield up the scholarship in the agenda year for which the scholarship is offered.

In addition, applicants must:

  • have an adapted plan accomplishments for the advancing acreage of study;
  • be able to authenticate a able charge to Cambodia’s accessible area and/or clandestine and/or association area (as relevant), and to the development of Cambodia in general;
  • satisfy New Zealand Government requirements for all-embracing apprentice access to New Zealand (medical and appearance checks etc.);
  • not authority any added scholarship during the aeon of the New Zealand Aid Programme-funded scholarship;
  • in getting offered and accepting a New Zealand ASEAN Scholars Awards, accede in autograph that they will acknowledgment to Cambodia to yield up a position that utilises their abstraction abilities for a minimum aeon of two years.

Officials from government agencies complex in New Zealand Aid Programme projects are encouraged to apply. Successful candidates who do not authority the appropriate IELTS aftereffect to arise postgraduate abstraction in New Zealand (usually 6.5 all-embracing with no bandage beneath than 6) accept to undertake pre-departure training for up to nine months in Cambodia above-mentioned to tertiary studies in New Zealand

Scholarship Conditions:
Applicants who are offered a New Zealand ASEAN Scholars Awards will be asked to assurance a account declaring that they will accede with the altitude of the scholarship:

  • full-time abstraction of the accustomed programme;
  • satisfactory bookish progress;
  • compliance with apprenticeship academy regulations and New Zealand Aid Programme scholarship conditions;
  • compliance with New Zealand law as it applies to any acceding amid awardees and the New Zealand Government;
  • acceptance that the scholarship may be aloof by New Zealand Aid Programme area awardees abort to 
  • accede with scholarship conditions;
  • return to their home country for a minimum aeon of two years aural 14 canicule of the achievement date of the scholarship.

Additional Information:
For added information, please visit

Thứ Ba, 20 tháng 3, 2012

Scholarship Affairs Information From National Multiple sclerosis society

Enrollment for the 2012 Scholarship Affairs is closed. All applicants will accept notification belletrist in backward April 2012. Amuse analysis aback in October to administer for the 2013 program. The National MS Society Scholarship Affairs is for first-time academy freshmen (of any age) only. For added abundant information, amuse accredit to the frequently asked questions and added scholarship assets below.
Frequently asked scholarship affairs questions:

  • Will scholarships be accustomed out every year?
  • Is there an appliance fee?
  • Who is eligible?
  • Why don’t you aggrandize the accommodation guidelines?
  • I reside alfresco the United States. Can I apply?
  • Where can I get an application?
  • What’s the deadline?
  • I absent the borderline – can I still apply?
  • Can I administer afresh next year?
  • I accept some questions about how to ample out the anatomy – whom do I ask?
  • How abundant money is accustomed to anniversary individual?
  • How abundant money is accustomed overall?
  • What are the belief for selecting finalists?
  • Why am I not able to forward the appliance to my chapter?
  • Who selects the recipients?
  • Must I plan to be a full-time student?
  • What will be appropriate of me if I am called to accept a scholarship?
  • Where does the money for scholarships appear from?
  • What if I don’t apperceive area I will appear school?
  • I wish to go to a abstruse academy and not to college. Can I apply?
  • How and if will I be notified if I accept a scholarship?
  • When will scholarship checks be mailed?
  • If I don’t accommodated the belief for the National MS Society Scholarship program, are there added assets available?
  • Will scholarships be accustomed out every year?
  • Yes, this is an anniversary program. The affairs opens October 1 and closes January 13, 2012.
  • Is there an appliance fee?
  • No, we do not allegation acceptance to administer for this scholarship.
  • Who is eligible?

High academy seniors who accept a ancestor with MS who will be accessory an accepted column accessory academy for the aboriginal time.

High academy seniors who accept MS and will be accessory an accepted column accessory academy for the aboriginal time.

High Academy (or GED) graduates of any age who accept MS and who will be accessory an accepted column accessory academy for the aboriginal time.

High Academy (or GED) graduates of any age who accept a ancestor with MS and who will be accessory an accepted column accessory academy for the aboriginal time.

Applicants have to be United States citizens or acknowledged association active in the U.S., Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam or any added U.S. area and plan to accept in an undergraduate advance of abstraction at an accepted two-or four-year college, university, or vocational-technical academy amid in the U.S., PR, VI, Guam or any added U.S. territory.

Applicants have to be enrolled in at atomic six acclaim hours per division in advance plan arch to a degree, license, or certificate.

For More Detail Visit : Web

Veterinary Scholarship Pfizer Announces 2012 Recipients

For the third after year, Pfizer Beastly Bloom and the American Veterinary Medical Foundation (AVMF) abide their advancing charge to advance in the approaching of the veterinary profession, announcement the recipients of this year’s apprentice scholarship program. 

Pfizer awarded $2,500 anniversary to 331 second- and third-year veterinary acceptance at accepted universities throughout the United States and the Caribbean, for a absolute of $827,500.
A absolute of 1,582 acceptance activated for the scholarship. Acceptance were called based on several criteria, including bookish excellence, able interests (small animal, large, mixed, research, academia, etc.), banking need, diversity, leadership, and abeyant for addition to the veterinary profession. 

“Students are the approaching of the veterinary profession, and Pfizer Animal Health is accustomed to abutment them on their aisle for able success,” said Vanessa Mariani, administrator of bookish and able diplomacy for the United States at Pfizer. “We accept the banking barriers that abounding acceptance face today and, through a accurate collaborative accomplishment with AVMF as our partner, and all the Colleges of Veterinary Medicine and American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) in the alternative process, the Pfizer Animal Health scholarship affairs allows us to advice allay some of that burden.” 

Of the absolute accumulation of 2012 scholars, 31% are acceptance from assorted backgrounds, 47% are belief to convenance aliment and alloyed beastly veterinary medicine, 28% will go into baby beastly practice, 8% will access academia (research and analytic research), and the butt will access added areas such as accessible health, lab beastly medicine, and poultry.
A account of scholarship recipients is accessible online.

Thứ Hai, 19 tháng 3, 2012

Undergraduate Scholarship International Acceptance from USA NASA 2012-2013

Scholarship Title: Undergraduate Scholarship International Acceptance from USA NASA 2012-2013

Scholarship Provider: A affairs of the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs U.S. Department of State

Scholarship Application Deadline: Sunday, January 23rd, 2012

Brief Scholarship Description:

The Near East and South Asia Undergraduate Barter Program, NESA UGRAD, is a allotment of GLOBAL UGRAD, a affairs of the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, U.S. Department of State. NESA UGRAD will accolade scholarships to outstanding acceptance from countries of the Middle East, North Africa, and South Asia for one-year of undergraduate, non-degree studies programs in the United States at a assorted arrangement of accepted two- and four-year institutions. Participants will be enrolled full-time and will reside on-campus with an American roommate. 

Participants will not baddest host institutions and placements will not be changed. Possible fields of abstraction include, but are not bound to, the humanities, arts, amusing sciences, algebraic science, accustomed and concrete sciences,and activated science. Examples of accomplished fields of abstraction can be activate on page three.

Who can Apply?
Competition for the NESA UGRAD affairs is merit-based. Candidates will be advised afterwards account to race, color, religion, civic origin, or gender. Persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. The antagonism is accessible to anyone who:

  • Is a citizen, civic or abiding citizen able to authority a accurate authorization issued by the country from which appellant is applying;
  • Is commutual his/her final year of accessory academy or enrolled in first-, second-, third-year fulltime undergraduate abstraction at the time of appliance at a registered bookish academy in his/her country and is in acceptable bookish standing.
  • Part-time acceptance or accord acceptance are not eligible;
  • Is amid the ages of 18-25;
  • Submits a complete appliance with all appropriate abstracts by the appliance deadline;
  • Is able to activate the bookish barter affairs in the United States in August 2012;
  • Is able to accept and advance a J-1 visa;
  • Is committed to abiding to his/her home country afterwards achievement of the program; and
  • Is accomplished in announced and accounting English at the time of application.

Near East and South Asia: Algeria, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Egypt, India, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Nepal, Oman, Pakistan, Palestinian Territories, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, Yemen.

How to Apply

How To Appy United States Snate

Entering top United States Snate academy juniors and seniors may access a USSYP appliance through their top academy principals, advice attorneys and amusing studies agents OR they may ask anon to their accompaniment alternative contacts appliance this website (see alternative contacts advertisement on home page). All apprentice assembly to the United States Senate Youth Diplomacy are called by state-level apprenticeship admiral – the United States Senate and The Hearst Foundations do not accommodate alone states’ applications or accept the assembly and alternates.

USSYP Alternative Action – How to Qualify
Two apprentice assembly and a aboriginal and additional alternating will be called from anniversary accompaniment and the Commune of Columbia by the Chief Accompaniment Academy Officer in anniversary state. The Hearst Foundations will accommodate $1,000 to anniversary state-level administration of apprenticeship to abetment with the alternative costs for the program. In addition, The Hearst Foundations accommodate a accurate accessible diplomacy assay that states may use as allotment of the alternative process.

The appointment of the Administration of Defense Apprenticeship Activity will be amenable for the alternative and acceptance of DoDEA assembly and alternates. Military audience who abide and appear schools in the United States may administer for the diplomacy beneath the PERMANENT RESIDENT cardinal as apparent below.

Alternate assembly will be called as replacements in the accident a primary agent is clumsy to participate in Washington Week. If the primary agent is clumsy to attend, The Hearst Foundations have to be notified in advance. Appearance during the Washington Week diplomacy is adapted to accept the banking scholarship; adapted disposition of scholarship funds will be bent by the diplomacy ambassador in the accident of bloom or added emergency in the actual ancestors precluding appearance at program.

Selection will be based alone on the students' outstanding abilities and accustomed qualities of administration in an adopted or appointed top academy apprentice appointment for the 2011-2012 academy year. A apprentice who graduates top academy at the abutting of the abatement 2011 semester/quarter is not acceptable to administer for the program.

Any top academy inferior or chief apprentice is acceptable for the diplomacy provided he or she has not ahead been a agent to Washington Week and has not accustomed a USSYP scholarship. The apprentice is adapted to be currently confined in an adopted or appointed accommodation in any one of the afterward apprentice government, borough or educational organizations:

  • Student Body President, Vice President, Secretary or Treasurer
  • Class President, Vice President, Secretary or Treasurer
  • Student Council Representative
  • Student adumbrative adopted or appointed (appointed by a panel, agency or board) to a district, bounded or state-level borough and/or educational alignment accustomed by the accompaniment alternative administrator.
For More Detail Please Visit Web

Chủ Nhật, 18 tháng 3, 2012

Undergraduate 2012 Scholarship Programme in Khazanah Cambridge

Organisation Type : Private Sector / Organisation

Fund Type : Scholarship

Sponsored By : Khazanah Nasional Berhad
For inquiries amuse alarm +603-2034 0000 or email us at

Detailed description
The Khazanah-Cambridge Scholarship provides banking advocacy to Malaysians who plan to abstraction for an undergraduate and postgraduate amount at the University of Cambridge.
The Khazanah-Cambridge Scholarship, accustomed in 2009, is accordingly sponsored by Yayasan Khazanah, the Cambridge Commonwealth Trust and the Malaysian Commonwealth Studies Centre. 

The Khazanah-Cambridge Scholarship is a administration development programme that is aimed at architecture Malaysia's approaching administration talent. Recipients of this scholarship are accepted to not alone authenticate bookish excellence, but aswell advance their administration abilities through training and accord in a amount of activities. 

Scholars of the programme will abide an adorning claimed journey, and will aswell be allotment of a core of approaching leaders that will be clean-cut to eventually advance Malaysia's government-linked companies (GLCs). It is a career-long adventure that offers Malaysia's top talents an befalling to realise their abounding abeyant in the transformation of Malaysia's GLCs into globally aggressive corporations. 

The scholarship will awning for the abounding continuance of the advance of study, and provides for charge fees, account active expenses, acknowledgment air access and added provisions, such as book allowance, enactment and end of abstraction allowances.

Citizens of Malaysia who will be applying to, or who accept already anchored a codicillary or absolute action to acceptance into the University of Cambridge, and accommodated the requirements below: 

  1. Below 21 years of ag.
  2. Must accept an accomplished bookish clue record, with an absolute or predicted minimum of 3 As, or appearance affirmation of accomplished achievement throughout their pre-university studie.
  3. Must administer to accompany a full-time residential degree.

Excellence Scholarship Leiden University Netherlands

Masters Excellence Scholarship (LExS)for Non-EU/EEA Acceptance in the acreage of Law Advanced, International Relations and Diplomacy at Leiden University, Netherlands

Study Subject(s): Law Advanced, International Relations and Diplomacy

Course Level: Masteras

Scholarship Provider: Leiden University

Scholarship can be taken at: Netherlands

Non-EU/EEA acceptance enrolling in a Leiden University masters amount programme starting September 2012 or February 2013 ( All MA, MSc and LL.M programmes as mentioned on the website Masters programmes in Leiden). All nationalities enrolling in the afterward programmes starting September 2012 or February 2013: Master of Laws: Advanced Studies in Air and Space Law Master of Laws: Advanced Studies in European and International Business Law Master of Laws: Advanced Studies in International Tax Law Master of Laws: Advanced Studies in Public International Law MSc in International Relations and Diplomacy

Scholarship Open for International Students: Yes

Scholarship Description: Excellence Scholarship Leiden University For accomplished Non-EU/EEA acceptance enrolling in a Leiden University masters amount programme and for accomplished acceptance from all nationalities enrolling in a Master of Law Advanced Programme or MSc in International Relations and Diplomacy.

How to Apply: Online
Scholarship Application Deadline: -Deadline 1 April 2012 alone for programmes of the Leiden Law School starting in September 2012.

Deadline 1 October 2012 for programmes starting in February 2013.
Further Scholarship Information and Application
Scholarship Tags: EEA, Excellence, Featured, Leiden, LExS, Netherlands, non-EU, Scholarship, students, University

Online Scholarship Appliance City College New York

The new online scholarship appliance is now accessible for acceptance to administer for the 2012-2013 bookish year. Priority borderline for all admission apprentice scholarship applications is February 1st and accepted CCNY apprentice and authoritative applications are due as acclaimed below. Accepted CCNY acceptance MUST complete the online scholarship appliance with your CCNY email abode appliance the aperture login below. 

 Amuse do not complete the appliance as a new CCNY student. Accepted CCNY acceptance may not be advised for scholarships if you did not complete the online scholarship appliance with your CCNY email address. Amuse accomplish abiding you alone accept one appliance in the system. 

  • Alumni Scholarships (Deadline: March 15th) - Amuse complete pages 2-5 of the application. This is alone for accepted CCNY students.
  • Edward I. Koch Scholarship in Public Service (Deadline: February 1st – admission freshmen only)
  • Art Department (Deadline: April 4th)
  • Housing Grant (Awarded according to funds availability)
  • *City College Kaye Scholars Program (2011-2012 Deadline: February 7th)
  • City College Fellowship (Deadline: May 1st)
  • Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship (Deadline: March 10th)
  • Public Service Scholarship (Deadline: April 16th)
  • Skadden, Arps Honors Program in Legal Studies (Deadline: March 15th)
  • Colin Powell Program in Leadership and Public Service (Deadline: March 15th)
  • The New York Life Endowment for Emerging African American Leaders (Graduate) Fellowship (Deadline: March 15th)
  • Partners for Change Fellowship (Deadline: April 2nd)
  • Association Engagement Fellowship (Deadline: April 2nd)
  • Division of Science (Deadline: March 15th)
  • Grove Academy of Engineering (Deadline: March 15th)
  • The SSSP/Zitrin Scholar Program (Deadline: March 15th)
  • Sophie Davis Academy of Biomedical Education (Deadline: May 1st)
  • The Isaacs Scholarship (Deadline: March 15th)
  • English Department (Deadline: March 15th) 

*Note: If you are applying for the City College Kaye Scholars Program for the 2011-2012 year, amuse use the cardboard application. You can access an appliance from the Kaye Scholars website, amuse bang here. Applications are aswell accessible outsdie the office, to the larboard of the door, NAC 6/316. 

Incoming Freshmen and Transfer Students
New acceptance can alone complete the online scholarship appliance by abutting our on-line community 

Current CCNY Students
Current CCNY acceptance MUST complete the online scholarship appliance with their CCNY email abode alone to be advised for scholarships. Amuse appointment the aperture here

Other Scholarships: