Thứ Tư, 11 tháng 11, 2009

Free Articles For Your Long-Term Care Blog

If you are reading this blog, chances are you have your own blog. or, at least, you have had more than one fleeting thought about starting one.

For those who have a blog, here is some news I believe will be of value.

For those who do not have a blog - I strongly urge you to start one. It will be a meaningful way to market yourself and your business. More on that at another time (and if you are a member, read the issue of Sales Strategies).

On a monthly basis, I will write and make available an informational blog posting that you can (and should) add to your own blog. Free content of a valuable nature. You will simply copy, personalize and post on your blog. Keep reading.

I just posted the first one. It's available as part of the American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance's Online Learning & Marketing Center. Click here and sign-in. Then go into the Publicity section. It's the most recent post.

First, the simplest way to copy and use the text is to highlight the text and copy it into a new Word document. The Download feature isn't great and I hope to change that in the coming year. So copy and paste.

Second, if you include a live link to the American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance's website as part of your posts, I will reciprocate with a link to your website. Links are important in Google's eyes - so we can help each other. The link must go to: After you post, send me an E-mail with the link to your blog and what website you want us to include in our links. E-mail me at: jslome @

Third (and this is important). Be sure that you personalize your blog. If you have a separate blog from your website, be sure to include a link to your website. Again, this is good for your Google ranking.

I dedicate an hour a day to what's called Social Marketing via the net. I can tell you that the world is going online (not just young people) and Association members will get the tools to make that a bit simpler.

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